Re: McCain ?????



You mean aside from the typical $30 billion of pork added to it??? … which, by the way, is OUR MONEY (taxpayers) it encourages military personnel to leave.

It also rewards people who’ve served for 3 years the same as people who’ve served for 6 years or more … is that fair?!?

McCain supports a different version of the GI bill, one that includes a sliding scale; in other words, benefits increase with length of service.

Webb introduced this bill so that Obama could look pro-military and they added the pork so that 75% of the Senate would vote for it.

It’s politics, as usual, and Obama has shown his true colors : an extreme tax and spend liberal. Which I wish he would just come out and admit, I could respect him more if he did.

Considering the differences in the two bills, any retired military guy would naturally like the alternative better, since it contains incrementally greater benefits for those with longer service