They believe it… and they vote red. Sounds like a winning combination to me. I once said I would never vote for Santorum..but I would whilst holding my nose. I prefer Romney..he will as close to a centrist as we will get in November. I’d vote for anyone at this point, just for the change.I I’ll take some warts and blemishes over another four years of this. I know, OR, that’s the sadness of it… glad to see your holding out for more than. $9.00 a month and cheap symbolism.
No redblack he did not convene a hearing on birth control. He convened a panel on First Amendment rights… birth control is not covered in the First Amendment. It was a staged event by an old White House communications hack who happens to be the PR firm for Pelosi, and her henchwomen… it was designed to disrupt the meeting and score cheap points and interfere with the Government Oversight and reform committee in assessing the unprecedented assault on the first amendment. That was the issue. You can’t frame it for what it wasn’t, to wit, a birth control synod.