Re: Handicapped stalls in restrooms



Instead of having placards or license plates on cars telling the world that the person in the vehicle is handicapped, it seems more discrete to have something like a chip implanted in the vehicle so the parking enforcement person can scan and issue a ticket or not. I understand people may harass those who have a right to park there at first. Seems to me that the plates/placards could set someone up to be a target.

My mother had a disability that was obvious to anyone watching her get out of the car and we were never glared at, that I know of. But I do know someone who was assaulted because he parked in the handicapped spot, with placard prominently displayed, because he didn’t look disabled.

I didn’t realize the full extent of bladder control issues. Didn’t know it could be painful so I’m sorry about making callous/insensitive remarks. My karma is already coming about every time I sneeze.