I’m done commenting on Obama and Hillary but want to step up to cheer for Edwards as VP here.
He would help both candidates a lot, if for no other reason than he had a not insignifcant number of supporters before he dropped out. (like me!)
The haircut and house were just silly non-issue issues. Lots of the candidates pay to have hair and makeup people come to them (to save time while campaigning) and it costs more that way. He’s a handsome guy with great hair who happens to be wealthy; I fail to see how any of those qualities disqualify him from caring about the poor. RFK was wealthy and handsome and *he* cared about the poor.
Totally agree with Charla–Edwards made corporate America quake in its boots. He’s the strongest foe they’ve had in years–a true populist, and if it weren’t for Obama’s rock star appeal, I think Edwards would be our leading candidate today.
His not endorsing either candidate may be strategic, or it may be his way of encouraing party unity and showing his classiness. Either way, it’s good for the party right now, IMO.