Re: Go Hillary



Can GOP Voters Spoil the Dem Race?

“Other talk radio hosts have taken up the cause. In Oregon, where voters must register by party by April 29 to vote in the May 20 primary, conservative talk radio host Victoria Taft has been pushing Republicans to re-register as “dummocrats.” Election officials are seeing an increase in switchers, but voters’ motives may not be divined until the Oregon exit polls are released. Meanwhile, Limbaugh opened his program Wednesday with a victory cry: “Operation Chaos is exceeding all objectives… this is just fabulous.” Dubbing the Obama-Clinton face-off a “soap opera,” Limbaugh says he will carry his campaign through to the final primaries in early June.

“I want our party to win. I want the Democrats to lose,” Limbaugh said. “They’re in the midst of tearing themselves apart right now. It is fascinating to watch. And it’s all going to stop if Hillary loses.””

I hate Rush Limbaugh. If I were a Republican, I’d be ashamed to be associated in any way with that man. Have any of you noticed the striking physical resemblance between Rush and Rove? Both make me think of a big plate of pasta alfredo.