Re: Go Hillary



Robindianne, as I’ve said to others, don’t sell yourself short. Don’t just be a cheerleader — express your gut-feelings and your ideas! There is no reason to think that won’t be as persuasive as anything or anyone else.

From now on, I’m going to stick to posting on the Barack and McCain forums; I’ll obviously be reading here, and chuckling and screaming and shaking my fist and …

There’s no point in saying this one more time, but I’m nothing if not intrepid so, I WILL WORK FOR AND VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE.

And, as the amazingly eloquent Dr. Cornell West says about Obama, “I will work for him and I will dance at his inaugural balls,” AND THE NEXT DAY I WILL BECOME HIS WORST CRITIC!

If Clinton is nominated, I will work for her, celebrate her election and (watch) her Inaugural balls. AND THE NEXT DAY I WILL BECOME HER WORST CRITIC.

No more NAFTA, no more DLC triangulation, no more selling out the working class and the poor in favor of corporatist elites, NOT THIS TIME!

We let Bill get by with a lot — he has charm, charisma — and he was very very convincing. Remember “Putting People First?” Remember “It’s the Economy, Stupid?” How did NAFTA help with those? How did jettisoning health care at the first whimper from the corporatists help with those?

This lib won’t fall for it again. She will watch and she will fight, and she also won’t fall for threats that criticism only “helps the other side.”

And, before you ask, I will have exactly the same reaction to Obama’s presidency. I may start out with a bit more optimism, but I’ll keep the same wary eyes wide open.