Re: Go Barack



i just read the speech.. and i have to say it is one of the better speeches i have heard on this subject…

but.. a couple of small things bother me…

His pastor’s extremism wasn’t limited to his remarks.. this church gave Farrakon a lifetime achievement award… And his extremism isn’t occasional. And his is hateful extremism pointed at jews, whites and anybody else he doens’t like that day.

The other is that Obama talks about those who called for Ferraro’s head as tho that hadn’t been him doing the calling. And like what she said is equal to what his pastor had to say.

He is the one who demanded her removal and her remarks don’t come close to what His pastor had to say.

As for his campaign being a call to understanding between blacks and whites… not really… he talks a good talk but i haven’t seen the walk.

I still wish this man had honored his mother more and tried to become his father less.