Dinazina — thank you for the report and the passion. I think a major difference is that Obama and his supporters represent a future that scares the mainstream democratic party. They’re used to being in charge.
Even though Deaniacs are long dispersed, we still represent the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party, no matter where we are.
I’m sure there are a few of us hidden stealthily in the Clinton campaign — a definite silent minority…I suspect JoB may be one..thank the goddess she isn’t silent :-)
The fact is that there are very few differences in their policies and their voting records.
(I would challenge the idea that Clinton has gotten more done in the senate; having your name on legislation that gets passed doesn’t necessarily represent accomplishment. As far as I can tell NO democrat has gotten anything useful done in the senate or the house; we’ve been so busy triangulating and compromising and NOT OFFENDING REPUBLICANS OR JOE LIEBERMAN.
I support Obama because their records are similar, their pasts are not, and I want a future of hope and accomplishment — for myself–my kids–and, most of all, my grandkids. We may still all go down in flames — this may be the end of our empire — the Repugs have done their best to ensure that — but I’d rather go down with hope; and I firmly believe, with Obama, we will actually go up, higher than ever, together.