“But, I also think it’s the right thing to do – for animals, my health AND the environment.
It doesn’t hurt that the face of baby cows eerily resemble my dog!”
Now.. don’t you think those statements are just a little judgmental?
I can see why you would choose to go meatless. and i cans see why those judgements would make it easier for you to stick to your resolve…
but they are judgments you have chosen to make, not universally held truths.
I have lived on a farm and i can tell you that the pigs and chickens are every bit as sweet as those cows… and can have more personality than you could imagine… all living things do.
that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t eat them or that it would be better for them or for the environment if we didn’t…
so.. no, i’m not kidding.
When you assume your judgments are universal truths, you can always expect someone to object.
it’s a choice.. and i hope it’s one that works out for you and your health…
but, it doesn’t work well for everyone.