my last post here, since the OP simply twists things to fit his beliefs. I told the story as an example. I don’t have any raw nerves about it. I lost contact with this person years ago. I had no interest in pursuing a friendship with her.MA, you don’t know me, so please refrain from amateur psychology about me. I am very comfortable with who I am. I don’t NEED to do anything. I am right about me – that’s the only person’s beliefs that I have to be concerned about.
I would say these things to your face, too, by the way. I have met personally some of the people who post on this forum;have become good friends with some of them, too. I’m betting those friendships will last a lifetime. And I don’t have a need to know what they believe or not believe as far as religion is concerned. They’re good people who don’t judge me, and vice versa.