Re: Fence blocking view of intersection



I have had many talks with SDOT, in particular Brian Dougherty but he says that the height of the fence is legal. Our daughter attends Roxhill Elementary and in the last 3 years of her attendance I have pursued the City to install pedestrian signs on Roxbury as well as Barton, to lower the existing flashing school zone lights, and get adult crossing guards to the Roxhill students and families. As far as sidewalks go Brian Dougherty told me just afew months ago that only a small portion not even up to the Animal Clinic would an sidewalk be installed. That won’t really help the students and families walking along 30th Ave SW. I know of several acidents in this intersection, one of my good friend and her daughter the 1st day back at school after the winter break a jeep traveling westbupund turned right into her as he was turning left off of Roxbury. At least he stopped to see if they were alright and did call the ambulance and stayed with them.