Re: Feds Overstepping the Constitution



JaN you are dead wrong again. The original “death panels” the Republicans were concerned about are those appointed to ration health care. It happens right here in WA State.. if you read. Our very own state was giving out Rx for methadone instead of more expensive pain management After numerous deaths from overdose, and bad press the state death panel relented. You wouldn’t qualify for transplant in some countries. You wouldn’t be on any list. I am not talking about the wait list. I am talking about the rationing of health care. It happens in socialized medicine. I don’t want a government healthcare arbitrating what medicines I can and can’t get. Happens right now in the VA….there is an “approved” list of medications. If the most effective treatment is not on their approved list.. tough luck.

Your statement borders on moronic. Show mw where I said people are killed to harvest their organs? You can’t..what a twit statement.

Fortunately, the low countries, refused to join the original 13 colonies unless, the had equal representation in the Senate,, and an equal voice in the constitutional amendments. The states were given more latitude in majority rule specifically so the self interest of the major population states could not exert self interest on them.