Re: Door to door



When we moved into our house in Highland Park, we got our first solicitor within about an hour of putting the “no soliciting” sign up on the front gate. This neighborhood is crazy for people coming to your door for all manner of proposals. We even had a marching band playing down the middle of the street while their solicitors ran door to door asking for donations. I used to open the door, but that’s actually stupid of me. We have no peep hole and I can’t see my porch from any windows. Based on the recent kicked-in doors, I’m also going to heed the advice about not staying quiet and will start shouting through the door that they need to identify themselves (and then, likely, go away!). Maybe I’m a whiner, but I feel like people knocking on my door uninvited is very invasive and presumptuous. I might even support making it illegal to solicit this way.