thanks folks. Our family has limited interaction with dogs. My wife is highly allergic to dogs and cats, to the point of breaking out with hives and blocked airways leading to extreme difficulty in breathing.
We have friends and family with cats and dogs. Most of the experiences have been 100 % positive.
She now has had 3 times where strange dogs have either knocked her down with excitement or her being chased by an unleashed dog. Funny thing is, they have been at city parks or city school grounds that restrict dogs or restrict them to a leash.
We are tired of it. This holier than thou attitude of dog owners is insane. Yes he may be your little precious, but to the eyes of a 6 y.o. he wants to eat her. You people need to see beyond your own little life and think about others. Even think about other dog owners and how your dog might hurt or kill another dog.
I urge everyone who reads this, to not interact with the person at the park who is letting their pup off leash, I want you to call animal control or the West Precinct non Emergency line to report the off leash offender.