Re: Disapearing Middle class Republicans and Democrats



I’ll abide with the sanctity to some degree but it’s too narrow to limit it to “human” life. I’ve seen plenty of humans caring for other – usually related – humans who have no problem treating the rest of the living things on this planet like they’re worthless.

And frankly, I’m fine with the death penalty in certain cases. Only, and I mean ONLY ones with either self-confessed murderers or ones caught red handed with LOTS of indisputable DNA evidence. And not talking about single mistake crimes of passion, either. Just because you were fortunate enough to be born as a person on this planet doesn’t mean you get a free pass to be evil. Ted Bundy, good riddance. Jeffrey Dahmer, see ya. At some point you forfeit your privilege to be consuming resources on a ever-depleted planet.

And I also think it’s hypocritical to support choice and NOT the death penalty (as described above).

Didn’t mean to hijack the thread for this topic, just wanted to throw in a personal clarification.

And F-16 speaks the truth. Money weirds politics. It’s been that way since the beginning and it’s just as true today. If it didn’t, SCOTUS wouldn’t have torn campaign finance laws asunder.