Re: Dino Rossi – A Resonable Republic



no, no, and no. either you don’t understand the tax structure, or you’re lying.

and if there are only a few rich fatcats by birth, then why the fuss over the inheritance tax? it only affects estates of what – $3 million or more? (and the tax is zero this year, by the way.)

when obama talks about the top 2%, he’s not talking about you. you’ll never be in the top 2%. neither will anyone reading this thread. small business owners average $80,000 – $140,000 per year in income. (and don’t start that stupid revenue-versus-income b.s. we’re talking about income tax.)

acknowledge the numbers, rich:

the top 10% own 90% of the nation’s wealth.

yes, the top 10% pay 60-70% of the nation’s taxes. they have 60-70% of the nation’s income. your inference that they should pay only 10% of the nation’s taxes suggests you have no understanding of the numbers or of taxation. even if there was a flat tax, they would still pay 60-70% of the nation’s taxes.

almost 50% of the country is living below the poverty line. it’s why most of them pay no taxes. with the exception of exxon/mobil, of course. they also paid no taxes last year.

w and the republican congress kept the wars and the tax cuts off of the budget. obama put them back in, adding to the deficit and debt. who’s more “fiscally responsible?”

tax rates – and tax receipts – are lower than they have been in 200 years. obama has raised no tax. yet. wall street’s nervous about taxes, so they’re withholding investment? that speaks volumes. if there was ever a time for the rich to take advantage of low taxes and government incentive, it was after obama took office. they didn’t. why? greed. they’re hoarding wealth, and they don’t give a flying shit about creating one single job. as a matter of fact, i challenge you to prove that any tax cut has ever created any job. anywhere.

so the only conclusion i can draw is they don’t care about their country enough to invest in it.

class warfare? okay.

this growing anger toward the extremely wealthy and corporations among progressives and liberals is what it looks like when you squeeze people to the point where they want to start oiling up the guillotines again. and we understand that it isn’t the government that’s been doing the squeezing. if and when the teabaggers ever figure that out, taxes will be the least of the rich folks’ worries.

instead you poor saps are carrying water for people who wouldn’t bother to piss on you if you were on fire on the sidewalk.