Why house.. would paying proportionate taxes actually cause you to lose your incentive to become a millionaire? i don’t think so. Nor do i think that being taxed at a lower rate once you succeed is equitable.
Yes… i know that’s not in the tax code, but by the time you count in every tax write off.. which the rich have more access to than those with less money… the rich pay a much lower percentage of their income in taxes than the poor who don’t have enough money to invest in sheltering devices.
And what makes you think i view myself as a victim? Not so much. And i have good reason to if i chose. Nor, by the way do any liberals i know.
You make the assumption that if people have health care available through work, it will cover their medical expenses. Increasingly, not… unless of course you are lucky enough to be young and fit and have none. in which case.. you don’t need medical ins so much… so it might not matter to you. It will one day though because even conservatives age.
I bet it matters now to people traveling to foreign countries for procedures like knee replacements. And i bet it matters to people whose illness becomes serious enough that they lose their jobs and their health care at the same time.
And did you know that those without health insurance have a much higher mortality rate than those with health insurance when admitted to the same hospital for the same condition? And, were you aware that we have an incredibly high mortality rate for a civilized nation?
Probably not. And you probably think none of that can happen to you. It can. Because our health care has been “privatized” so that each business along the path of health care costs has plenty of incentive to make the most out of it that they can.
As for education, how far would you like our inner city children to travel (theirs are the schools that will be closed) to go to these mythical schools you say will take them? And who will bpay for the inevitable busing? And if the schools are privatized as you think they should be… they no longer have to take any child… so how likely do you think they will be to take any marginalized inner city child?
Public Schools were mandated because educated people make better citizens and better workers. And surprisingly, that’s cost effective. so…. why should schools be privatized? Who benefits? Privatization is no guarantee of competition. (Have you looked at your cable bill lately?) But it is a guarantee of increased profit centers that all have to fed with our education dollars. Privatization simply means that somebody gets to take profit out of those dollars… as a private business.
Just like medical care.. we pay more and get less.
And speaking of taxes… this war aside (and it is a huge concession when speaking of money to put the war aside)… if we cut the tax breaks to US corporations for sending their jobs oversees and the corporate handouts maybe some of our tax dollars could “trickle down” to pay for services…
The trickle down theory those tax cuts are based on doesn’t work and the American taxpayer sure isn’t seeing any benefit from those lost taxes.
Which brings us to that accountability thing. What makes you think that liberals aren’t accountable for themselves? Who do you think pays our bills for us? Who raises our children? Who runs our businesses? Surprise! we do. And who do you think it is that staffs all those volunteer organizations that provide services for those who are less well off than us? (And incidentally, some programs that benefit those better off than us…) It’s primarily those bleeding heart liberals who do that.
We are accountable for ourselves. And in addition, we choose to be accountable for those who are not as fortunate as well.
As for that million you expect to have… If your parents had money… If you were sent to the right schools and made the right connections… If you married into money or inherited it… if you get lucky and are at the right place with the right idea at the right time (i spoke with someone lately who told the millionaire story of having registered the right domain name at the right time) … maybe. but working hard to get there is no longer any guarantee.
And you would stand a lot better chance of getting there if you just got to keep a little more of your tax money because the rich and businesses paid a little more of theirs… and if things like health insurance and the cost of catastrophic events like “downturns” in the housing and stock markets, poor health and mother nature’s expensive quirks didn’t eat away at that nest egg you are building.
House… Insurance companies do deny health care. It’s a fact. nothing emotional about it. The less they pay for, the more they make. And most of America can’t afford private education for their children. They are amassing huge amounts of debt and raiding retirement to give their children the benefit of a college education at a public school. Fact of life for most Americans.. nothing emotional there either. I don’t’ know where you have been living that you don’t already know these things.
now, i admit, “looting the middle class” could be construed as emotional.. but when you shift an increasing burden of the costs for public programs onto the middle class and reward those who shift more of the cost of doing their business onto that same middle class.. that could be called looting. And when the public is expected to pick up the tab for profiteering and dishonest loans for lending institutions who simply passed the bad paper down the line to the next speculator.. while raking in profit.. that could be called looting.
And neither of those actions speaks of republican accountability. So i will stand by looting as an accurate term.
And by the way.. if you must label what i have to say as a rant (this is the second time you have done so).. then you must also be accountable enough to use the same label on yourself.
who is really pandering to emotions here?