Re: Arrrrgh! My PC and my iPad are both rebelling this week!!




Measure twice, cut once. Ken knows Apple’s and presumably iPads by now. Ipads only store information on them that is downloaded from iTunes, or a remote server. I find it hard to believe your remote mail server was holding 60K emails. My iPad stores around 200, deleting some as they age out. For instance, I turned my brother in laws Mail program onto his gmail account and it downloaded 300-400 old emails. Now, that could be all he’d ever written, but still not 60K (You must send a lot of emails).

I could not find a setting on iOS 7.0.3 that limits the retention of emails (unlike earlier devices).

Sometimes, when an iPad misbehaves, doing a hard power off/on will make it less confused. This is where you hold down the home button until a red slider says swipe to power off. This will not “wipe” the iPad just give it a fresh start when you turn it back on using the button on the upper right-hand side.

Or wait until you talk with Ken.