Hammerhead – yes he was fixed, no ear tip.
He also had recently-trimmed front claws and clean teeth. His teeth were long enough that he’s over 2, and probably closer to the 5-8 range, so they must have been cleaned by a vet at some point. He was 100% NOT feral, as he allowed me to approach and pick him up, and my husband to cuddle him and scritch his ears all the way to the hospital. He’s definitely somebody’s cat.
tanyar23, thank you. My heart was absolutely broken when they told us he didn’t make it. He was a sweet cat, and I loved him for the few minutes I was part of his life, if that makes sense.
Honestly, I can’t imagine NOT doing everything I could. He was a living creature, and he was injured. How could anyone not stop and help? And yet, dozens didn’t. :-(
I just hope I can find his people so they won’t wonder.