Re: abortions




i suspect you and JenV would have been lumped in the same category in the polls that have been cited on stop abortion sites… and yet your experiences were very different.

I am sorry you feel so badly about your decision…

i felt equally badly about mine.. and i didn’t abort… when i found out my son had been adopted into a home that was already breaking and which dissolved.. to parents who thought kids were their duty and not their passion. everything i didn’t want for him.

but we make our decisions with the limited amount of information we have at the time and we live with the consequences.

your life.. and mine.. the lives of every woman who has made their own decision that they were not ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child…

all of our lives have taken the paths they took because we were not struggling to raise a child we didn’t plan.

if your primary concern really was having a good time, you were probably not ready to be a parent.. and there is no guarantee that having a child would have changed that.

This is why i believe so strongly that a woman who realizes she is not ready to go through with a pregnancy and possibly take on the responsibility of raising a child is doing the responsible thing by not continuing with an unwanted pregnancy.

There are too many unwanted children now.