Reply To: Pro Bono Project Management consultancy for struggling WS Small Businesses



Hi Amber,
While I would not be able to provide legal services or advice, I am happy to have a few consultations with you to see what I can do to help you. Unfortunately, I do not have any legal contacts, but I can be on deck to help with the project of shutting down your downtown location and what needs to be done to focus on your West Seattle location. (I’m happy to hear that you are able to keep the W. Seattle one open. I love that place!). My expertise is in Financial and HR areas, but Project Management is Project Management.

There is a lot of work involved with determining the steps you need to take, keeping track of the legal items, and making sure that the tasks get done. Something that you don’t have time to do! I’m about to move closer to your location (within walking distance) and I am happy to meet with you via video conference or six feet with a mask. Your choice :)
