Reply To: Aggressive dog hating neighbors harassment/ picture taking



Look, when my gf asked me if we could get a cat, my response was “we canot handle the responsibility of ourselves let alone another animal. “She got one anywayz we are broken up and i am stuck struggling to take care of my cat part time because 8 love him and he depends on me so its my responsibility.
Where i am going with this is if you canot handle the responsibility it is not fair to the animal for you to get one. It is very selfish and an animal is not a toy, it is alotof hard work, although rewarding. If you have no place at home or nearby to exercise your dog, please dont get one or get a different pet. …. But also all you non pet owners / pet haters, recognize that these people just want whats best for their animal and that it is hard work. Take a chill pill if they arent hurting nobody leave them alone. Nobody needs to write any counclemember this is all silly. Thus why i crack the previous jokes