9131 California SW
West Seattle
What is this event? A sustainable, affordable opportunity to swap out (or donate) the gently-used, no-longer-exciting toys in your home.
We will also have a bake sale, coffee and cocoa by donation to support the Louisa Boren STEM K8 PTA
What to exchange: toys! Puzzles, legos and toys are encouraged, Please do not bring books, clothing or sporting equipment
What are the rules? This event is for anyone looking to trade toys, donate toys, or who would like to take some toys to gift to kids. You do not need to donate any toys to participate. Please, no resellers.
What happens to unclaimed toys? Any unclaimed toys at the end of the event will be donated to charity
Can I donate toys in advance? Yes! A bin is available in the hallway of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, open Monday through Friday, 6:30 am – 9:00 pm. You may also reach out via email link below to coordinate toy pick up. Thank you for your support!