Virtual Workshop: Realistic Healthy Eating Habits

May 26, 2021 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Online (see listing)

With so much contradictory advice, knowing what food to buy to support a healthy diet can be confusing. Registration required.

This event will be rescheduled.
Click here to register. Click here to register.

This class will help you navigate the grocery store and show you how eating for a healthy body can be simple once you gain a few tips and strategies. You’ll learn how to decode food labels, how to shop smart at the store, and how to rearrange your kitchen to promote healthier eating behaviors.

The job skills, life skills, & digital creativity classes are made possible by support from The Seattle Public Library Foundation, and in partnership with South Seattle College. This workshop is free and everyone is welcome. Library events and programs are free and everyone is welcome. Registration is required. Each class has limited capacity, so please register as soon as possible.

ADA Accommodations: We can provide accommodations for people with disabilities at Library events. Please contact at least seven days before the event to request accommodations. Captions are available for all recorded Library programs.

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