1116 SW Holden St
Seattle, WA 98106
The Delridge Neighborhoods District Council, in partnership with the Highland Park Improvement Club will host a candidate forum for Seattle City Council Position 8 & 9 candidates on Tuesday, July 25th from 7-9 PM. This forum is intended to engage and inform the residents of the West Seattle Peninsula, who comprise roughly 1/7th of Seattle’s total voting population. This event is open to the public and the media.
The format is intentionally very simple – each candidate will be given 5 minutes and a microphone to present their platform. There will be no audience or panel questions during presentations, and once all presentations have finished candidates will be able to mingle with the audience. Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase, and an area will be set aside for adults who are accompanied by children.
Who: Seattle City Council Position 8 and 9 candidates
What: Candidate forum – 5 minute presentation followed by mingling with prospective constituents
Where: Highland Park Improvement Club – 1116 SW Holden
Why: Because voters shouldn’t look at a ballot and say “I have no idea who this is”
When: Tuesday, July 25th, from 7-9 pm