“Making Peace with Islam” Fall Adult Ed. Class

November 7, 2012 @ 7:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Alki United Church of Christ
6115 SW Hinds St
Seattle, WA 98116

Wednesdays at 7 pm October 3rd through November 7th at the Alki UCC Parlor:

Led by Ann Holmes Redding. Imagine a world where Christians and Muslims are at peace with one another! Join this six-week class to put minds and hearts on this project. This introduction to Islam focuses on the history, practices, and beliefs of that tradition, as well as the inspiration and resources for peacemaking in Christianity.

Ann Holmes Redding, New Testament Ph.D. and founder of Abrahamic Reunion West, will draw on her experience of the convergence of Christianity and Islam in her faith and practice.

Suggested donation: $50 per person (just $8.33 per class). Make checks payable to Alki UCC.

Registration requested — sign up online at www.alkiucc.org. Contact: office@alkiucc.org

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