Enhance Fitness classes with Lifelong Recreation

February 18, 2025 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am
High Point Community Center
6920 34th SW
West Seattle

Lifelong Recreation is excited to announce that new Enhance Fitness classes for adults ages 50+ are coming to West Seattle at High Point Community Center, starting in January! We are accepting new participants at any time. Please join us on Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 am with instructor Novella Fraser. Enhance Fitness is an evidence-based fitness program for older adults that combines cardio, light strength training, stretching and balance exercises, and Novella makes it super fun! Enhance Fitness is adaptable to all fitness levels and needs.

The Winter class session is Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 am Jan. 7 – March 18.

Cost is $88 for Self-Pay, or is free if you have the Silver&Fit or OnePass insurance wellness benefit. If you’re new to taking Enhance Fitness classes with Seattle Parks and Recreation, please fill out this form prior to registration to verify your Silver&Fit/OnePass status: https://seattlegov.na1.adobesign.com/public/esignWidget?wid=CBFCIBAA3AAABLblqZhB1XpzWitrQNY3GNO4FcjET3HLkyp2ahWUX1KdrXD7pYC_tcsk5widBYOxqNpUOUuE*

For any questions, please contact masha.shtern@seattle.gov or 206-450-9522

Class info: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/seattle/activity/search?onlineSiteId=0&activity_select_param=2&site_ids=132&activity_keyword=enhance&viewMode=list

To learn about other Lifelong Recreation programs, view our Winter catalog here: https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/ParksAndRecreation/Programs/LifelongRecreation/LRP-Winter_2025.pdf

Limited scholarship funds are available through Seattle Parks and Recreation for this or any other activity: https://seattle.gov/parks/scholarships-and-financial-aid

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