5612 California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98136
Veteran Park Ranger, author and documentary producer Steve Adelson presents a reading: “Apocalypse At Little Bighorn -The Demise Of A Culture”.
This coffee house presentation will examine the erosion of the native Sioux and Cheyenne culture that culminated at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, later to become legendarily know as “Custer’s Last Stand”. In reality, it was not only his last stand, but the last gasp of Indian resistance against Euro-American encroachment on the northern plains.
Adelson will be examining this epic confrontation and the characters and events that shaped this story. A story that still haunts the American consciousness even today.
The lives of Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Gall, Major Marcus Reno and Captain Frederick Benteen are some of the individuals highlighted in the discussion.
Adelson, a West Seattle graduate, is a prolific writer and his book “Little Bighorn; Voices From A Distant Wind” will be available for purchase. In addition, his documentary, “Contested Ground” is included with an autographed copy of the book.
Adelson has presented to thousands of visitors at Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument in southeast Montana. He has been a lecturer on the History Channel, C-Span, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel and other media productions.
You can examine his work at his website.