West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
Thanks to David Hutchinson for the photo! In case you missed it while in the kitchen or at the table, that’s how our sunnier-than-forecast Thanksgiving Day ended a little more than an hour ago. Temps are expected to drop into the 30s again tonight, with patchy fog returning tomorrow (same way today started, before the sunshine took over).
Remember the giant tree that fell across Walnut Avenue in South Admiral during Tuesday’s windstorm? We believe it’s the biggest one that came down; the photo above is all we saw left of it this afternoon. Here’s what it looked like right after the storm:
A neighbor told us work to remove it was finally under way last night, and she believed the nearby residents who were without power for days had been restored too. The Seattle City Light map is finally without West Seattle outages and shows fewer than 800 customers still out systemwide.
On the second day after the windstorm, some effects linger – like that huge tree across Walnut Avenue south of Hanford, with vehicles stuck beneath its branches and utility-pole damage nearby; we photographed it a few hours ago. But there’s good news for some who have been without power since Tuesday night’s storm – via comments, residents of west Charlestown/Genesee Hill say they finally have electricity again. Commenter GHMike reported:
Power was restored around 3:30 PM for the area on Genesee Hill involving 155 residents on 52nd SW and 53rd SW. between Andover and Schmitz Park(and surrounding area). Looks like crew trucks are working on the area involving 55 residents in the adjacent area between Andover and Genesee on 52nd Ave., SW and 53rd Ave., SW (which was the first reported outage on Tuesday evening on Genesee Hill).
City Light‘s map shows a little over 6,000 customers still without power, down from a six-digit total at the peak of Tuesday night’s storm. The utility says it still has “dozens of crews” in the field working on restoration.
Meantime, you might have heard some talk of another storm on the way tomorrow. There’s no alert for our area right now, but the forecast calls for “breezy” conditions, south/southeast winds possibly gustings into the 30s – considerably less powerful than what blew through Tuesday.
(Charlestown Hill, photographed by Christopher Boffoli)
This time last night, the wind was howling, but tonight, it’s quiet. Throughout the Seattle City Light service area, 20,000+ customers remain without power. No major outages remain in West Seattle, but some residents on west Charlestown Hill/Genesee Hill/upper South Alki were still out (some of them unmapped) at last report. One told us via text, “We are still out and so is our street and I just talked to SCL and they now say the new time is tomorrow by midnight. They were not able to give us any info on why we were still out when most around were good now.” As we told them, the 2006 windstorm – to which the outages from this one are being compared – also left some in West Seattle out for a lot longer than people nearby – the grid connects (or doesn’t) in mysterious ways.
IMPORTANT: If you’re out of power, preparedness guru Cindi Barker reminds us, don’t fall victim to carbon-monoxide poisoning from heating/cooking sources:
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous and odorless gas that cannot be seen or smelled. It can kill a person in minutes. If you don’t have electricity, prevent poisoning from carbon monoxide.
-ONLY use a generator outdoors and far from open windows and vents
-NEVER use a generator indoors in garages or carports
-NEVER cook inside on a charcoal or gas grill
Other notes include a Comcast/Xfinity outage that several have mentioned, and wind damage trashing the early holiday decorations at the famous “4040 house.” A couple readers have mentioned there’s even crowdfunding set up in hopes they can recover in time for this season after all.
As for the weather – no more major wind in the forecast, but looking at next week, there are multiple mentions of possible snow showers!
We mentioned a lot of tree trouble in last night’s windstorm coverage, and now in daylight we’re getting a look at that and other damage:
Thanks to Jonathan for the photo above. That’s the big tree that fell on Walnut Avenue last night: “We live on 41st and heard something around 10 last night. Couldn’t figure out what it was. This is on the other side of the block from us, so clearly what it was. I feel for our neighbors.” Here’s another angle, from Peter:
Meantime, a texter sent this from a south Lincoln Park blufftop trail:
The texter confirms it’s blocking the trail. If you find other fallen trees in city parks, report them via Find It Fix It or call 206-684-7250. … Sean sent this photo of a crew doing early-morning work where a tree tumbled on Hanford:
In northwest West Seattle, Christopher Boffoli spotted this fallen fence:
We’ll continue adding to this through the day; photos are welcome at westseattleblog@gmail.com or via text at 206-293-6302.
ADDED WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Jed for these photos from Schmitz Preserve Park:
(QUICK LINKS: National Weather Service alerts page … Seattle City Light outage map)
5:37 PM: Lights flickered up here, twice, a few minutes ago – checked the Seattle City Light outage map and saw the first outage of note, 55 homes on Genesee Hill:
SCL says this started about 10 minutes ago. Weather updates to come; if you have power trouble, tree trouble, etc., text us at 206-293-6302.
6:03 PM: Above is a texted photo of the tree that one reader suspects is to blame for the Genesee Hill outage. Meantime, emergency responders are being sent to a report of a tree into a house in the 8100 block of 16th SW. And we’ve flickered again, which is likely to mean another outage somewhere.
6:26 PM: A reader reports power out at 17th/Dawson – so far per the map, it does not appear to be a major outage. … 10 minutes later, 52nd/Andover just reported an “explosion” and outage, though there’s still nothing mapped in West Seattle that’s bigger than the Genesee Hill outage.
6:48 PM: Highland Park/Riverview readers report power’s out, and more of Puget Ridge. Not mapped yet, though…. The City Light map hasn’t changed numbers in a while so we’re beginning to wonder if it’s broken. Keep letting us know where outages are. (You can do that via commenting below, too.) … Texters also report power out at:
-9th/Thistle (Highland Park)
-Tree down on SW Rose at 35th, “lying on a pole/likely a power line”
7:19 PM: Also getting outage reports from Westwood and South Delridge (including 17th/Barton). White Center as well – more in comments. …. City Light has finally acknowledged onscreen that the outage map is broken. If you’re not within earshot, the wind continues to gust, at least as we’re hearing it here in Upper Fauntleroy. … Just got word of a downed wire at 35th/110th in Arbor Heights, as well as a tree blocking northbound Highway 509. … If you have to go out, watch for tree debris in roads and on sidewalks, like this, texted from near 39th/Kenyon:
7:48 PM: Texter says the Westwood-area outage has affected many stores at Westwood Village, so they’re closed – they mentioned QFC, Marshall’s, Starbucks, Big Five, Rite Aid. Target, they say, still has power. … The SCL map seems to be adding outage numbers a handful at a time. It’s now past 10,300, but that’s likely still a FRACTION of how many are out. In West Seattle, we’ve heard primarily from east of 35th, not surprising since these winds are coming out of the southeast. (Some exceptions though, like the Genesee Hill outage, and we’re also hearing from a few streets west of there, 5300 block of SW Manning and Orleans as well, per one texter.)
8:05 PM: City Light also acknowledges that its outage-reporting phone line is broken, so don’t bother calling it for a while either. … Per commenters, the 1st Avenue South Bridge is broken. (Don’t drive unless it’s an emergency, anyway!)… WSDOT says it’s stuck in the “up” position.
8:20 PM: Looks like SCL’s map has caught up – now showing more than 71,000 out around its service area. (The outage at the center of the screenshot above is the biggest one in West Seattle that hadn’t shown on the map until now.) … The photo below was just texted, “Entire tree down on 21st Ave SW and Barton, missed our car by inches!”
8:51 PM: Hard to be absolutely certain from the live camera but the 1st Avenue South Bridge appears to be open to traffic again. SCL’s total number of mapped customers out, service-area-wide (they serve areas outside the city limits too), is up to 76,000+. … A few reminders: Intersections with flashing or dark signals are all-way stops … If your power is out, DON’T OPEN YOUR REFRIGERATOR OR FREEZER — what you have in there will last longer if you don’t … Whatever restoration estimate City Light shows for your outage, ignore it – it’s just a guess; could be sooner, could be later – the estimates are not based on an actual eyes-on assessment of the situation.
9:29 PM: Though the map hasn’t caught up yet, we’re hearing from people in northwest West Seattle who just lost power – Alki, north and south and west of The Junction, to name a few. … SFD/SPD are dispatching to a tree down on wires in the 4600 block of SW Holgate. Still not mapped but from all the texts, this one sounds pretty widespread. … North Admiral too. (See comments for some specific locations.)
10:03 PM: The outage stretches east of High Point too – just got a text from someone on “Snake Hill” (29th-31st, Brandon-Findlay).
10:17 PM: Aaron on Walnut Avenue tells us they’ve just had a big tree go down, taking out THREE power poles and their lines. …. Police were just dispatched to another tree at 47th/Charlestown … City Light finally just acknowledged their map has stalled again … SEA airport’s weather station recorded a 55 mph wind gust earlier tonight …
10:54 PM: City Light warns, “Crews will work through the night. It’s going to take time to restore power. Crews are first dispatched to areas that pose an immediate safety threat.” … The map’s catching up again – showing 113,000+ out service-area-wide – but the north West Seattle outage (Alki to beyond The Junction) still isn’t showing, so there’s still more to add …
11:39 PM: SCL map finally shows the extent of the north West Seattle outage, more than 8,300 homes and businesses.
The map is still a little wacky, as the green markers are supposed to signify “planned outages” and there’s no way those were happening in multiple locations tonight. But the pink shading is likely a fairly accurate representation of who’s out. We count at least 13,000 West Seattle customers who’ve lost power tonight.
12:39 AM: Some texted reports of power restored, including Charlestown Hill and north and south of The Junction.
5:22 AM: Thousands got their power back in the early morning hours – some just moments ago – but thousands more remain out. The weather has calmed as expected. We’re working on the morning traffic update.
(WSB file photo of City Light crew during past power outage)
Some readers wondered how Seattle City Light is preparing for the possible windstorm, with the latest version of the National Weather Service wind advisory envisioning “southeast winds 15 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph.” SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang had a simple answer for us: “City Light staff and crews are prepared for the forecasted weather. We are monitoring conditions and will adjust staffing numbers as needed.” As for the forecasters, the NWS Seattle bureau updated at midmorning, “Forecast models remain in good agreement over an anomalously strong surface low intensifying offshore today, bringing significant weather to western Washington … Intense pressure gradients will cause strong east winds to develop Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday morning.” In our area, those winds are expected to start in the evening, though the advisory takes effect at 2 pm.
P.S. SCL’s before/during/after-windstorm advice is here. If it does happen, staying safe is the most important thing to do; if you’re able, let us know about power outages, downed trees, etc., via text at 206-293-6302. Thank you!
7:49 AM: Thanks for the texted tips. Multi-car crash on the eastbound West Seattle Bridge before 99.
8:35 AM: Adding photos. Live camera shows the crash is still blocking the right EB lane.
8:50 AM: Another crash reported, this one at 16th/Henderson, blocking the intersection. Meantime, the bridge crash has cleared.
9:05 AM: Thanks for the texted 16th/Henderson photo (we’re at 206-293-6302 any time) – added.
9:24 AM: Another texter says the 16th/Henderson crash is affecting traffic.
6:01 AM: Good morning! Welcome to Tuesday, November 19.
A wind alert is in effect for this afternoon and tonight – check here for the latest version. Otherwise, a break in the rain before more rain, high in the upper 40s. Today’s sunrise will be at 7:21 am, while sunset will be at 4:27 pm.
… it’s NOT because snow is expected (not yet!) – it’s because SDOT is testing.
Water Taxi today – Regular service.
Washington State Ferries today – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route with M/V Sealth as the “ghost boat.” Check here for last-minute changes.
Metro buses today – Regular schedule.
*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project continues; the south half of the bridge is closed, with one lane each way on the north side. Fairmount Avenue remains closed under the bridge.
*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:
Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:
Low Bridge – Looking west:
1st Avenue South Bridge:
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!
Charge everything – and secure whatever you have outside that might blow around – another wind alert is in place for our area. This time, the National Weather Service has a Wind Advisory in effect from 2 pm Tuesday to 4 am Wednesday. That’s just part of a wave of stormy weather headed for the state – look at all the different alert-signifying colors – 13! – on the NWS map accompanying this story. For specifics, the alert suggests we can expect “east to southeast winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 50 mph expected.” The NWS also notes, “Significant impacts may occur at lower-than-usual wind speeds due to the atypical easterly wind direction.” (South/southwest is more common.)
9:04 AM: Via comment and phone call, we’re told a vehicle is blocking the ramp to 99 from the eastbound bridge, and that’s causing a backup on the bridge, so if you’re thinking about heading eastbound, you’ll want to wait a while.
8:25 AM: Mel reports the stoplight at 16th/Austin is flashing,
6:01 AM: Good morning! Welcome to Tuesday, November 12.
A wind alert is in effect for this afternoon through early Wednesday, with south gusts up to 45 mph possible. Rain likely, heavier in the evening, high in the low 50s. Today’s sunrise will be at 7:11 am, while sunset will be at 4:35 pm.
Water Taxi today – Back to regular service.
Washington State Ferries today – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route with M/V Sealth as the “ghost boat.” Check here for last-minute changes.
Metro buses today – Regular schedule.
*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project continues; the south half of the bridge is closed, with one lane each way on the north side. Fairmount Avenue remains closed under the bridge.
*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:
Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:
Low Bridge – Looking west:
1st Avenue South Bridge:
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!
Time to charge everything – the National Weather Service has a “wind advisory” alert in effect for our area from 4 pm Tuesday to 4 am Wednesday. Right now, the alert says “south winds 15 to 25 mph, with gusts up to 45 mph expected.” According to our archives, this is the first alert of this kind since early June.
Take it any way you want to – but a rainbow has appeared off West Seattle with hours left in Election Day. Doug Eglington sent the photo above; Curry Gibson sent the one below:
Some polls are already closing in the east, so the earliest results aren’t far away.
That’s the scene Jeff Helman caught at Constellation Park as gusty winds blew from the southwest for a while today. Not too much trouble this time around – here’s a different view on the water, from James Bratsanos:
Tomorrow’s weather, much calmer – chance of showers, partly sunny, single-digit windspeed.
10:51 AM: Thanks to KT for the tip. 223 :customers are out on the south side of Roxbury from roughly 20th to 27th; KT reports the 26th/Roxbury light is out. According to the City Light power-outage map, this started about half an hour ago; no listed cause yet, but that coincided with a burst of strong wind. It’s the only sizable outage so far in the city.
12:53 PM: Restored.
Two weather notes today:
SNOW-COATED OLYMPICS: The mountains across Puget Sound to our west put on a show today, as notable mountain snow arrived in The Olympics, after a longer-than-usual wait. The photo above is from Chris Frankovich; the photo below is from Brooke Gosztola:
The snow level in The Olympics is down to about 4,000 feet today, possibly falling to 3,000 feet tomorrow.
BLUSTERY MONDAY AHEAD: Here at (and near) sea level, tomorrow will be wet and windy. So far advisories and alerts are out for many parts of western Washington, but not our area yet; nonetheless, be ready for sustained winds to 20 mph, gusts past 30, out of the southwest.
Thanks to James Bratsanos for the photos! This morning rainbow was visible from west-facing West Seattle:
The National Weather Service says rain is likely off and on through the weekend, with another round of heavy rain due Monday,
(WSB file photo)
The rain and the leaves are falling – so here’s hoping your nearest drains are clear. “Make sure rain can drain,” is the Seattle Public Utilities advice. In hopes of helping, a reader suggested we remind you that residential yard-waste customers can have more bags collected in November at no extra charge. SPU spells it out:
Household food and yard waste customers can set out up to 10 extra bags of leaves each collection day in November for no additional charge. Please put extra yard waste (no food) into a paper or compostable lawn and leaf bag (not plastic) or a reusable container with a lid. Please do not put leaves and other yard waste in plastic bags. Composting your yard leaves keeps them from blocking storm drains and/or building up in the stormwater system.
SPU has a bucket of other wet-weather-related info here – even the dates for the highest fall/winter tides.
Usually we see rainbows to the north and east – but this morning, one in the west. Thanks to everyone who’s sent photos! The image above is from James Bratsanos; the one below, from an anonymous emailer, looking toward Vashon:
This one’s from Brandy DeWeese, looking toward Lincoln Park:
And from Mark Dale, looking over the park toward Vashon:
This follows – if you slept through it – a night of sometimes-pounding rain. The National Weather Service expects showers to resume later.
Thanks to everyone who emailed/texted photos of the early-evening rainbow! Double in some spots, like this view from near Solstice Park …
We don’t have photo credits for those two but this one is from Victoria Gnatoka …
Bonus pre-rainbow view from James Bratsanos, clouds over the Olympics:
Tomorrow’s forecast looks unsettled too – more showers are likely.
The night after the Northern Lights, another spectacular show in the West Seattle sky – a showy sunset. Thanks to everyone who’s sent photos! The one above is from Brooke Gosztola; below, from Tom Trulin, by the Fauntleroy ferry dock:
This one is from John Denault in Highland Park:
You might have noticed the rainbow in the east before sunset – Jerry Simmons caught this image:
We might have a few more to add – check back!
Thanks to everyone who texted and emailed photos of the spectacular double rainbow just before sunset! Above, Stewart L. saw it while looking toward downtown; Grant saw it from The Junction:
An unidentified texter saw it from Westwood Village:
Kevin Freitas got the extreme closeup:
ADDED 8:14 PM: Chris Twombley saw it in Morgan Junction:
The brightness was hard to capture on full-arch views, but Lacey‘s photo shows it:
Here’s the Terminal 5/Harbor Ave. view from Tracey Kipp of West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor):
Thanks to Helle Jensen for the photo taken from North Delridge just before sunset. According to @westseawx, they’re a type of undulatus clouds.
Thanks for all the photos of tonight’s sunset, one more smoke-colorized view before the air cleared (tonight’s readings are pretty much back to normal). The top photo is from David Hutchinson; below, from James Bratsanos, catching the rest of the Olympics:
Kanit Cottrell in Gatewood captured the sun “cradled” by a tree:
Jen Popp was at beach level:
And for an even-closer look at the sun, Greg Snyder says his view even shows “the current crop of sunspots”:
Before we close out this gallery … one more look at the sunset shine on the water, from Michael Burke in Fauntlee Hills:
From the setting sun to breaking news, we appreciate your photos – westseattleblog@gmail.com (or text 206-293-6302 when urgent) – thank you!