West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
Many West Seattleites use this route, so we’re sharing the alert – full news release, ahead:Read More
The next semi-annual inspection shutdown weekend for the Alaskan Way Viaduct is March 21-22, according to an e-mail update that just arrived from WSDOT. Here are the specifics: Closed 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 21, and 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 22, with the Battery Street Tunnel scheduled for continuous shutdown 11 pm Friday 3/20 to 5 am Monday 3/23. They’re also offering walking tours of The Viaduct on Saturday morning 3/21, by reservation – e-mail viaduct@wsdot.wa.gov, or call 888–AWV–LINE (first-come, first-served).
Thanks to Nick for e-mailing to share the news that this sinkhole has opened in the middle of the Seaview straightaway section of 48th SW, at Graham (map). As you can see, it’s been blocked off, but this is right smack in the middle of a 2-lane, 2-way arterial, so best to be forewarned to slow down if you use that road.
A crash on the eastbound stretch of The Bridge has been slowing traffic heading out of West Seattle – thanks to everyone who has e-mailed us about this. (Refresh for the latest visual from the traffic cam above; more cams on the WSB Traffic page; looks like it’s finally clearing.)
A major crash (check the cam here) has WSDOT warning that all southbound lanes are blocked:
A police investigation continues to block all lanes of southbound I-5 at Pine Street in Seattle. Traffic is currently getting by on the right shoulder. All exits on the express lanes are open to all traffic. Washington State Patrol, fire, aid and Seattle Police are on scene.
Just in case you’re heading that way or you happen to be on the other side of this and about to head THIS way, we thought we’d better share. (Added: Thanks to Scott B for sharing this link; KIRO says it started with a pursuit following an Eastside carjacking; there’s a closer photo on the KOMO site.) 1:36 PM NOTE: WSDOT sent an update – 2 SB lanes now getting by on the right shoulder.
Just in from SDOT – read ahead for the full alert:Read More
Just in from SDOT:
Thursday, February 5, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will close the right lane eastbound on the West Seattle High Level Bridge from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. During the two and half hour closure, a SDOT crew will inspect the sign bridge, the overhead structure on which the directional traffic signs are mounted.
Side note if you routinely drive through South Park – SDOT also has sent word that 14th/Cloverdale (map) will be closed all weekend for pavement work, 6 pm Friday till no later than 10 pm Sunday.
Just out of the inbox: “SDOT plans to close the lefthand, eastbound lane tomorrow (Tuesday January 27) from 12:00 noon to 2 p.m. During this closure a broken water line to a fire hydrant will be inspected.” A couple more bridge notes from Seattle City Light, by the way – they are still working on the street lights and SCL’s Mike Eagan tells WSB the ones on the Spokane Street Viaduct stretch (east of 99) should be done “within a week or two,” while burned-out Alaskan Way Viaduct lights will be fixed “during the next scheduled closure.”
From the Washington State Ferries service bulletins: “The Klahowya is currently 15 minutes behind schedule due to a Coast Guard request for vessel assistance. This will affect the 4:05pm from Southworth, the 4:40pm from Fauntleroy and possibly later sailings.” According to WSF Vessel Watch, the Klahowya is at or near the Vashon dock right now; we’ve got a call out to the Coast Guard to ask what’s up.
We’re downtown for the Design Commission review of the Conner Homes Junction project alley vacation (second review), and while headed this way a short time ago, we spent about 15 extra minutes on the high bridge, eastbound, in a major all-lanes traffic backup while the lane stripers worked way up ahead – chalking where they will later paint (as mentioned earlier). Did afford a nice view of the City Light crews working on more bulb replacement on the westbound side, though – but in general, if you’re using The Bridge at any time today, plan for extra time.
(photo added 11:36 am – the car in the background is traveling NB on Fauntleroy)
ORIGINAL 11:24 AM POST: If you’ve heard this one somewhere else: A tree fell on 39th at Fauntleroy in the Fairmount Springs area. IT IS NOT BLOCKING FAUNTLEROY. It is briefly blocking the triangle area on the side where drivers get to Fauntleroy, northbound, from 39th, and it’s being cut up as we speak.
ADDED 11:43 AM: A reason to keep close watch on the trees around your home/apartment:
Hutch sent photos of the lilac that “decided to give it up” after Sunday’s heavy, wet snow, plus the past few days’ rain (and maybe the wind, too) … good reminder that there may be more than a few trees/large shrubs in weakened condition around the area.
6:23 PM: Sage K reports that Delridge is closed northbound between Trenton and Cloverdale (map) with police diverting traffic. Nothing on 911 for this either – we’ll check to see what’s up.
6:39 PM: Though we don’t know if that incident is weather-related, we’re going to use this post for weather/traffic notes throughout this stormy night, and invite you to do the same. First one isn’t West Seattle but might affect you: Amtrak service between Portland and Seattle is suspended. I-5 also has closed for a 20-mile stretch in Lewis County.
Not sure yet what’s up, but police cars are blocking the eastbound bridge entrance at 35th/Fauntleroy. Text message mentions accidents, but nothing on 9-1-1 yet. Also thanks to Todd in Westwood for word that scanner traffic around 4:30 indicated an eastbound crash that sent debris onto the westbound side. 5:21 PM UPDATE: Marco reports in comments that it’s reopened at Fauntleroy/35th.
(photo added 3:26 pm, after SUV was righted, view from slope on north side of bridge at Avalon end)
ORIGINAL 2:36 PM POST: Westbound bridge is closed – that word from Desiree – not sure how far it extends but we are en route to check out a “heavy rescue” call westbound on The Bridge at Admiral, which undoubtedly is the reason why. More shortly. The traffic camera that points westward in that area isn’t showing much, but the one pointing eastbound shows the lanes empty all the way back to 99, which suggests there is a detour or barricade that far back. 2:52 PM UPDATE: Looks like the westbound bridge is open again – traffic camera now shows vehicles heading that way. Patrick found a viewpoint and sees a maroon SUV, on its side, that’s apparently about to be hauled/towed away. He also saw an aid car leaving the scene. 3:02 PM UPDATE: There may still be some slowing for a bit – authorities are checking now for any “(oil) sheen” on the bridge and getting ready to clear the scene – sounds like SDOT will sand the area after the wreckage is cleared – it appears that traffic is now being diverted off at the Admiral exit till the towing and sanding is done (Patrick is watching from the Fauntleroy foot bridge). So if you’re seeing this from downtown or points further east, a good idea to delay your trip West Seattle-bound for a while. 3:28 PM UPDATE: Still no word on the people who were in the SUV that crashed; this photo is from Sharonn Meeks, looking at where the bridge was blocked off just past Admiral:
Thanks to Marco for sending word, and that picture, of a bus stop closure TFN on northbound 35th just south of Avalon (as the sign says, buses will pick you up 20 feet south of there). Shortly after getting his note, we went to check out the area, and discovered that construction congestion because of Avalon Center is REALLY intense today – a lineup of cement mixers in the center lane on Avalon stretching eastward from 35th, eastbound lane on Avalon and northbound lane on 35th blocked off at the corner, good idea to avoid that area if you can:
Avalon Center is a mixed-use building (ground-floor retail, about 60 apartments, per city permits) that’s been under construction for almost a year at the southeast corner of 35th/Avalon (here’s our update from 11 months ago). Here’s the architect’s project page showing drawings of what it’s supposed to look like.
Just in from SDOT:
SDOT crews plan to work on the westbound approach to the lower Spokane Street Bridge to West Seattle on Friday, December 5, from 9 a.m. until no later than 12 p.m. Eastbound traffic will not be affected. Westbound traffic will be detoured around the work area by way of Southwest Klickitat Avenue before crossing the bridge. During this time, crews will place a shim on a sharp dip in the roadway.
If you travel The Bridge this Saturday night into Sunday morning, you’ll likely see city crews and encounter lane closures. Here are the details.
Just in from SDOT: “There is a report of an accident northbound on the Alaskan Way Viaduct approaching Seneca Street that is blocking the two right-hand lanes. Traffic is very slow from approximately South Royal Brougham Way.”
(WSB photos added 8:50/9:13 am; #1 by Patrick Sand, #2 by Christopher Boffoli)
Thanks to Manuel for the tip that the 54X bus had broken down (headed for downtown). We’re at the scene – it’s at Edmunds, blocking a lane so traffic is diverting around it. According to Manuel, a wheel fell off; we’re working to verify exactly what went wrong. 8:32 AM UPDATE: Metro supervisor at the scene confirms a wheel did come off, but the bus had a veteran driver who got it safely to the side of the road. Nobody hurt; everybody transferred to another bus relatively quickly; the bus will be towed shortly, but till then, it’s still slower going heading northbound on Fauntleroy. 9:20 AM UPDATE: Keri, who was on the bus when it happened, e-mailed this:
The bus seemed to shudder and skid a bit, as if it was trying to stop on wet pavement and couldn’t. It came to a halt and felt tilted. One woman suddenly said “tire!” (I thought she said “fire!” yikes.) She then said, “our tire just rolled by us!”
As we were getting off the bus, the driver said we actually lost two. We were all extremely grateful that this didn’t happen while we were on the viaduct.
More work along the north side of Westwood Village, on Trenton, and it’s a bit of a snarl, so the Barton side is your better bet if you’re headed that way any time soon.
Just back from the big Gatewood Elementary event about the speed-camera van (photo above; much more on the van show-and-tell shortly, including the ballot-initiative underscore to the whole thing) – while speaking at the news conference, the mayor announced that the Seneca offramp from the northbound Alaskan Way Viaduct is currently closed because a “20-foot chunk of concrete fell.” TV report says it was a guardrail section, knocked down by a truck. (Speaking of The Viaduct, SDOT is still checking for us on why the closure-warning lights didn’t work for hours on Saturday morning.) 1:17 PM UPDATE: SDOT’s Rick Sheridan clarifies, the Seneca ramp “is soon to be closed. SDOT will need to close it for 6-8 hours to safely conduct the repair work.” We’ll let you know when we get the exact time frame. 4:25 PM UPDATE: The ramp’s open again, says SDOT.
Just got word from WSDOT that the Alaskan Way Viaduct has reopened – 5 hours earlier than it was expected to reopen after its weekend inspection (results due in a few days).