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More on the new park

May 5, 2006 3:08 am
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 |   Environment | Transportation | West Seattle news

Here’s the story in today’s P-I. I wouldn’t exactly call the pub move “a block” … details, details. As for possible names, Monorail Memorial Park really rings my bell. Perhaps some folks on the non-o-rail board can rustle around in the storeroom and find some decorations from items bought but unreturnable …

Death at the beach

April 28, 2006 7:05 pm
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 |   West Seattle news

Sounds like an ugly crash late last night, the one along Alki that killed two people. I love going to the beach at night and looking out at the lights across the bay … but especially as the weather warms up, things do get a little out of hand. Sad way to start the warm-weather season.

But what about the flag?

April 16, 2006 8:34 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Managed to miss this while I was on blogging semi-hiatus the past two weeks. Funny, I was just telling a visitor the story behind the building’s massive flag. So will that stay or will that go? I always wondered what kept that guy in WS this long anyway, considering the oxymoronic nature of the term “West Seattle Republican.”

Three weeks later …

March 28, 2006 7:40 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle restaurants

Gosh, I hate to brag. Well, no, I don’t, really …

The P-I will report TOMORROW what you read here on West Seattle Blog back on March 8.

Also sort-of-new tonight: Someone who helps publish the WS Herald finally found this here blog thing and answered my question from last month (scroll down to the comment).

Another pastor to write about for a change

Taking a break from the Holy Rosary situation … another West Seattle pastor makes it into the news today. Unfortunately, it’s because he seems to be “our” version of noted prejudice-monger Ken Hutcherson (second-to-last paragraph here; at least this story rescues the WS image with a more reasonable quote from Councilguy Dow).

The opposite of pumped up

March 27, 2006 4:11 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Interesting tidbit about a West Seattle gas station toward the end of this P-I story.

Even with gas prices back on the brink of $3, I hadn’t thought much about the possibility of not always getting what you pay for. But one cup out of a $3 gallon would be more than 18 cents worth of gas — and in a fill-up, that could add up fast.

By the way, looks like they kinda need some West Seattle gas-price spotters at this site — I chose “SW Seattle” (W Seattle didn’t appear to be an option) and nothing came up but a plea for tipsters.

Bad memories

March 25, 2006 3:49 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

This morning’s deadly shooting rampage on Capitol Hill left me trying to remember if anything really horrific ever happened here in WS. I remember a particularly ugly summer in the early ’90s including someone getting shot and killed on a waterfront bench along Beach Drive. But I forgot the 1998 bridge shootings till this Times “side note” article on Other Really Bad Shootings in Our State. Anyway, condolences to the relatives of today’s victims, and prayers for all who are taken away too soon …

New music from another WS star

March 23, 2006 6:01 am
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 |   West Seattle news

OK, so it’s hard not to know that Eddie Vedder is from West Seattle. And we had long since heard that Soundgarden has ties here too. But it’s news to us (go ahead, laugh) that a major name from Mudhoney lives in WS too. The band’s out with a new album and that means a new round of interviews, including this one that caught our eye on an unrelated search because of this line:

Having turned 44 last month, Mark Arm, who shares a West Seattle home with his wife, remains one of rock’s most iconic figures.

A more-entertaining quote comes from a Seattle Times interview last week:

Q: Briefly describe the most annoying neighbors you’ve ever had.

A: The people who lived next door to us when we first moved into our house in West Seattle. Nosy retired couple.

And even more to the point about WS, an excerpt from a 2002 interview in the Times, when the writer asked two band members to interview each other at Easy Street:

Turner: What do you like most about living in West Seattle?

Arm (gazing down the street from behind Elvis sunglasses, chewing gum ferociously as he ponders): I like the fact that … it still hasn’t been renovated. I like the fact that, with the exception of Easy Street, you’re not surrounded by hipsters every time you walk down the street. I like being surrounded by the salt of the Earth.

Yeah, us too.

Where are they now?

March 22, 2006 4:38 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Gosh, it’s like a monorail reunion. (Meantime, apparently it’ll be at least a few weeks till we know if the property auction brought in enough to end the lingering tab tax someday semi-soon.)

P.S. Also from today’s papers — a P-I update on the Holy Rosary situation, mentioning 700 people at last night’s meeting (and that’s about the only bit of “news” in the story).

Alki hotel not dead yet?

March 15, 2006 6:37 am
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 |   West Seattle news

We’d been wondering what was up with that unpopular project. There’s a bit of an update buried way down in this new WS Herald story about what else the developers are up to.

Paper’s out!

March 1, 2006 6:24 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Wednesday means Herald day. Two things of note:

–I’m way behind the times. Hadn’t heard the word “shoe-jacked” till I read this. (Of course, the shoes I wear are not even remotely worth, uh, “jacking.”)

–What ARE those fish up to? (Third item.)

There’ll be no living with them now

The fine folks of West 5 got a newspaper rave today. That’s probably why the line was out the door when I drove through the Junction around 6:40 tonight. I agree with the reviewer about the mac ‘n’ cheese. However, how can they pass right over the incredible BLT (even more incredibly edible when you get the avocado add-on)?

P.S. Very busy night in the Junction … especially around the Senior Center, which appeared to be having some sort of shindig upstairs, live music included (someone playing a bass could be seen against a window).

On the West side’s East side

February 22, 2006 5:58 am
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news

Thanks to the Seattle Weekly for the tip — the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center celebrates its grand opening this Friday night. For people who don’t visit Delridge unless they need something from Home Depot, here’s another reason to visit one of the fastest-rising neighborhoods on this side of the Duwamish!


Today’s P-I article about the deal for Whole Foods to come to Fauntleroy Place uses that word to describe the project site. Seems a little harsh. Now, just a bit to the west, we *would* say that’s a good word for the empty ex-Burger King and the tattered, shuttered building that I vaguely recall as having been a car-stereo store once upon a time.

As for the project itself, we’ve got mixed emotions on the idea of a Whole Foods store here. The WS Blogger household does enjoy “health food” (brown rice is on the stove even as we type). When the WF in North Seattle was relatively new, we dropped in a few times. Found most of their stuff overpriced, including the extensive deli offerings. Didn’t see any reason to stop patronizing our local PCC, at least in favor of a crosstown drive.

So now they’ll be here, not far from the Jefferson Square Safeway — we loathe Safeways, so if business there is affected, no biggie in our personal view. The Morgan Junction Thriftway might feel some heat, since that’s just a mile down the road, and it’s cultivated a tiny bit of upscaleness. But how will the folks at PCC cope? Brand loyalty might not count for much any more, even for those of us who can count their PCC membership years on into double digits.

Bottom line for me … we would still rather see West Seattle get a Trader Joe’s, so we can stop the frequent trips to Burien!

Going to heck in a handbasket?

February 8, 2006 6:21 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Interesting question raised in the “cover story” in the new edition of the Alki News Beacon. We here at WS Blog remember a slightly sleepier time at Alki, back when a drugstore held the space now occupied by the Alki Bakery coffeehouse, among other things. Heck, we’re just happy — when we venture beachward — to see the Homestead hasn’t been chased out yet (though we’ll red-facedly admit to never having actually set foot inside).

Storm? What storm?

February 7, 2006 10:34 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle weather

Maybe it’s only a partial site update, but our friendly neighborhood paper has posted what looks like the weekly update tonight, and the only thing storm-related I can find so far is a bird picture oddly paired with an article about high school schedules.

Weather-related irony is lurking out there somewhere

Whatever national media might have reporters here in town to cover fans reaction to The Big Game, you know someone will write the story, should Our Team prevail, “As the sun came out after months of rain in soggy Seattle, football glory finally broke through the home team’s clouds of trophyless years.” Or something like that.

In other semi-weather-related news, the Beach Drive water woes merited just one little line in this Times report. Blink and you’ll miss it.

Can anyone tell me why even a small paper like the Herald, equipped with a 24/7 online site like just about everyone else in this day and age, can’t add breaking news like a storm damage report? Even a blog, for heaven’s sake. If they want to be the community’s source for news, it would be so easy to do.

As for that hideous WestSeattle.com — which pompously declares itself “the official site for the West Seattle community” (when did we vote; did I sleep through it?) — storm? what storm? Even tiny Caribbean island towns use their community sites for storm reports.

Rant off … for now …

Surest way to attract a TV crew

February 1, 2006 7:53 pm
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 |   West Seattle news

Urban early-morning power outage! Folks from the morning newscast on Q-13 spent at least a couple hours near the Alki Bathhouse this morning, talking about The First of February Windstorm ’06. My favorite part — the horrifying revelation that Tully’s had to open late because of the outage. You know things can get ugly when you just can’t get that quadruple grande you’re counting on. Might I suggest a dip in the bay, as an equivalent wakeup jolt?

Didn’t think so.

Prediction for next Alki TV sighting: The traditional semi-annual orca pod drive-by. Choppers ahoy!

And he probably didn’t even get a Slurpee out of it

February 1, 2006 12:14 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Ah, if only “Seattle Live” were still around, maybe they’d finally find inspiration in this for an episode of “COPS — in West Seattle” ….

And the nominee is …

… for Best Community Newspaper in West Seattle, I nominate these folks. Kicks the Herald up one side of the block and down the other. Wonder if we can get something like that going on this side of Cali Ave someday.


January 26, 2006 7:17 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

All the nice folks at Alki Elementary have to go through it all again — the folks who run Seattle Public Schools insisting the only way to save $ is to close school. We doubt they will escape the ax this time. Bummer.

More of us to love

January 25, 2006 7:14 pm
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 |   West Seattle news

West Seattle could grow if this happens.
Or would that be Southwest Seattle?
Would South Seattle no longer be South Seattle, if the city limits moved so much further south?
White Center is such a gray area, anyway. I dare you to identify, from memory, exactly where the city-limits signs are. I only know of one for sure.
But I would suggest, let’s not stop there. Let’s go ahead and just annex all of Burien. And SeaTac too. I mean, let’s end their miserable run of trying to correct people who don’t get the capitalization or punctuation quite right. We can stretch Seattle all the way to Tacoma … or, at least, Federal Way.

Now what — another bar?

January 20, 2006 9:44 pm
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 |   West Seattle news

Buried in the aforementioned (well, in this layout, belowmentioned) West Seattle Herald article is the mention that Video Vault, once a hotbed of anti-monorailism, is going to hit the stop button forever next month. I haven’t spent a dime there since they started campaigning against the monorail, and I would hold that against them in perpetuity, for what it’s worth. Then again, we’re not exactly major video connoisseurs, so they’re not missing out on much business. Anybody want to lay odds on yet another bar/tavern taking over the space? Or will it be view condos?