Coronavirus 1341 results

CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 3/26 roundup

One night short of four weeks since the first confirmed King County case of COVID-19, here’s the nightly roundup:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the daily Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

1,577 confirmed positive cases (up 218 from yesterday)

109 confirmed deaths (up 9 from yesterday)

Eleven people are currently staying in a King County isolation and quarantine facility

To compare, countywide numbers one week ago were 693 confirmed cases, 60 deaths.

DATA DASHBOARD DOWN: On Wednesday, King County launched a new “dashboard” with far more granular info, such as how many confirmed cases by zip code. However, now it’s down because heavy use crashed it.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: 3,207 confirmed cases, 147 deaths; see other state stats here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them – nation by nation – here.

GOVERNOR’S WARNING: In a streamed news conference today – the first full day his “stay-home order” was in effect – Gov. Inslee warned it may have to last longer than two weeks to conquer the virus. Our coverage has the video.

NO PARKING AT MORE PARKS: You can still go to city, county, or Port parks, but now more of them are no-parking zones.

SPEAKING OF PARKING: The city announced a parking-permit program for health-care workers at certain facilities, mostly downtown.

CHILD CARE: Health-care workers and first responders are getting it for free at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), which expressed gratitude for community support making that possible.

IF YOU’RE HOME WITH THE KID(S)go bear-hunting!

GOT INFO? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

LOCAL BIZ UPDATES: SoundYoga; Fitness Together-West Seattle; Fit4Mom

Though fitness studios had to close in the governor’s first wave of business shutdowns more than a week and a half ago, many in West Seattle are thriving online. Here are notes on three:

SOUNDYOGA (WSB sponsor): Longtime yoga instructor Chris Dormaier sent the image:

Chris reports, “We have gone totally online and it has been working well and fun!” You can check out the online classes by going to

FITNESS TOGETHER-WEST SEATTLE (WSB sponsor): Fitness Together is offering virtual 1-on-1 live training sessions during the temporary shutdown of the studio. You can try one for free – email They report, “Our clients are surprised at what a great workout they are getting!”

FIT4MOM WEST SEATTLE: This Admiral-based business is “offering online fitness classes and kids’ playgroups to give their community a way to stay healthy and connected.” That includes “online workout classes 18 times per week for all paying members. And free playgroups, activities, crafts and even Mom Chats at least 3 times per week for anyone. In addition, new moms are invited to join the community and get access to all of the workouts and playgroups.”

More business updates tomorrow!

VIDEO: West Seattle saxophonist serenades neighbors

Thanks to Richard in the Fairmount Park area for the video! He explains: “We are blessed in the Fairmount Park neighborhood to have an acclaimed Jazz saxophonist as one of our neighbors. Next Monday he was scheduled to play at Jazz Alley but alas we all know that is not going to happen now. Anton S. is his name and he has decided to play each night at 6 pm a solo for anyone to listen and appreciate from a safe distance, like on my porch. I hope … other muscians in other neighborhoods might be inspired to do same. Community, neighbors, safe personal distancing … We can beat this virus!

FOLLOWUP: Expansion shelter sites in West Seattle announced, but not yet matched to operators

(WSB photo, Southwest Teen Life Center)

As noted in our nightly COVID-19 local-news roundup last night, the city and county have announced a list of sites where they plan to add shelter space to enable “social distancing” in existing shelters. Two of the sites are in our area – Southwest Teen Life Center (2801 SW Thistle) and county-owned space on Harbor Island. We followed up today in search of more details on who would be served and how the expansion shelter would be managed. For the city, Will Lemke replied, saying most details haven’t been worked out yet: “We have not yet identified a shelter to move clients into the SW Teen Life Center or the Harbor Island site. These spaces are being made available in anticipation of this need. … As with the other de-intensifying shelters we are standing up, the City and County will partner with shelter operators to arrange for transportation, 24/7 staffing, food, and cleaning services at locations being used in response to COVID-19.” The announcement says SW Teen Life Center will have room for 50 people and that Harbor Island will have room for 24, both to be ready sometime in April. These are NOT quarantine/isolation sites – just meant to create literally more space for unsheltered people.

PARK PARKING: Port, county close their lots too – but parks still open

(WSB photo, gate at Jack Block Park)

As reported here earlier this week, Seattle Parks as closed parking lots at eight “destination parks” around the city, including Lincoln Park and Alki Beach (as clarified yesterday, Seacrest and Don Armeni were folded in with the latter). Today, the Port of Seattle announced it has closed park parking lots too – that includes, in West Seattle, Jack Block Park, plus T-105 and T-107 on the Duwamish River. And as noted on our partner site White Center Now, King County Parks’ lots also are closed. BUT all three jurisdictions stress that the parks themselves REMAIN OPEN for walking and other social-distancing-friendly activity.

FYI: Renovations planned at three local apartment buildings

March 26, 2020 2:25 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | West Seattle housing | West Seattle news

Announced by DNDA, an update on plans that were in the works pre-pandemic:

DNDA currently owns seven buildings in the Delridge area of West Seattle with a total of 144 units for rent. All of our buildings offer housing that is less expensive than for-profit buildings so that families with lower incomes can always live in Delridge. With these properties, DNDA’s goals are:

· To offer housing that is less expensive than for-profit buildings so that families with lower incomes can always live in Delridge
· To take good care of the properties that we own so that they are comfortable to live in, and assets to the community

DNDA had planned for the renovation of three multi-family buildings; Centerwood, Delridge Heights, and Holden Manor during the Spring of 2020. These plans are currently pending due to complexities presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both Delridge Heights and Holden Manor were built in the 1960s. Centerwood was built in the 1980s. The planned work for each building will include the following;

Delridge Heights
· Roof replacement
· Plumbing replacement

· Fencing Replacement
Replace older toilets with low-flow toilets.
· No tenant relocation necessary


· Roof Replacement
· Replace existing fencing.

· Removal of unhealthy/dangerous trees and pruning of healthy trees, per arborist report.
· Parking lot repairs, seal-coat, and striping

· No tenant relocation necessary

Holden Manor
· Roof replacement,
· Replace existing galvanized plumbing lines with new hot/cold plumbing lines
· Parking lot repairs and striping
· No tenant relocation necessary

VIDEO: Governor says stay-home order may well last beyond two weeks, and other observations

This past hour, we dialed into the latest media briefing given by Governor Inslee. No new announcement. But one key point – he said multiple times that the stay-home order (read it here), which is now officially fully in effect, may well last longer than two weeks. “”It would not be adequate to knock this virus down for two weeks and have it come roaring back.”

Other notes: “So far, we’ve seen overwhelming compliance,” he said. There are some exceptions. “We are hunkered down but we are not locked down.” You can take a walk, go out for a drive. But remember “social distancing is our only weapon against this scourge.” He also said, “We do believe we are seeing some encouraging signs.” But also: The state still has “very significant unmet needs in testing” and he spoke to the President and Vice President about that this morning. Some PPE has been sent but he still has “long-term concerns” and demands coming in from around the state still cannot be met. “We need the full energy of the manufacturing capacity of the United States of America” to be “fully engaged” in answering needs – he talked about a cross-state drive someone made for vials to be used in tests. States are now competing. “We need … a federal system to be effective in this regard.”

Meantime, back to “some hopeful news” – “some evidence that our community mitigation strategies” have slowed the rate of increase in King, Snohomish, Pierce Counties. He says the curve is flattening a bit. “We cannot let up on this virus … we have to hammer this until we can be sure it won’t spring back up.” He says that’s the only way to bring the economy back – to conquer the pandemic.

He notes that retailers are allowed to sell items by delivery and mail/shipping. Also: New unemployment claims are coming in “five times faster” than during the last recession – “we have seen nothing like this in our state’s history.” One employee category, however, is in a different situation. “We are going to need additional medical personnel” – he has “cleared the decks” for retired doctors/nurses to have their licenses restored. Find out how at – he calls it a “medical militia.”

Archived video should be available soon here. (2:58 PM: We’ve added it above)

HOW TO HELP: What the West Seattle YMCA is doing, with continued community support

An update from the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor):

Due to the statewide mandate to prevent the spread of COVID-19, all Y branches, offices, and clinics are temporarily closed for normal operation. Housing, shelter, and counseling services continue with social distancing practices. We are quickly responding to this change and will provide details on our website, and via email to members, as the situation changes.

Beginning on Wednesday, March 18, the West Seattle YMCA pivoted its work and will provide full-day child care at the West Seattle Branch, FREE of charge to first responders and healthcare workers. Members who maintain their membership dues, volunteering, and donating help the Y tremendously, as we take on additional work to meet the growing needs of our fellow community members who are economically or medically vulnerable. We are directing our community funding to critical and essential services such as child care, securing food for vulnerable children, and serving those experiencing homelessness and economic disruption.

To learn more about our efforts in responding to this crisis and how you can help, please visit our website at THANK YOU to our members who have chosen to not cancel their memberships in order to sustain this work! For those who want to support our efforts, there is an option to donate as well.

GRATITUDE: #MakeAJoyfulNoise launching citywide at 8 tonight

This has apparently already started in some neighborhoods – Jeremy emailed us this morning saying he happened onto it last night on a street in North Admiral – but now there’s a citywide call to #MakeAJoyfulNoise starting at 8 pm tonight to show gratitude. The announcement:

Let’s make some noise, Seattle! Seattle’s cultural community in association with the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture encourages residents to participate in a civic-wide celebration of people on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Starting 8 p.m. sharp Thursday evening, we’re asking Seattleites to join a movement that began in European countries, opening our windows, standing on our balconies, from our front yards, backyards and or anywhere you can to make a joyful noise letting the healthcare and front line workers know how much we appreciate them. People can clap their hands, raise their voices, bang some pots and pans to show solidarity, and let the front line know how much they are appreciated.

The message is simple #MakeAJoyfulNoise asks us to:

Applaud our healthcare workers
Celebrate those on the front lines
Make a joyful noise at 8 p.m. starting Thursday (26th of March)

We are doing this to celebrate the front lines, which include grocery store workers, supply chain specialists, janitors, Fire, Police, nurses and doctors and health care workers, sanitary workers, and so many more. We’d also like to bring some cheer to these dreary days in Seattle.

NEIGHBORHOODS: ‘Teddy-bear hunting’

10:28 AM: Yes, it’s OK to go out for a walk (or run, or bike ride) during the stay-home order. We’ve featured a few neighborhood displays meant to provide something for neighbors to see on their walks – and this one seems to be gaining traction here as well as across the nation. Sean is the latest to send word of sightings for “teddy-bear hunts” – if you have a bear, put it in your window, so kids walking by will see it. The photos above are from a friend of his who spotted several in Highland Park; Sean has one in his window near 35th/Thistle. What’s in YOUR neighborhood windows? or text 206-293-6302 – thank you!

10:57 AM: Thanks to the texter who sent that photo from North Admiral (near 45th/Seattle)!

4:28 PM: Thanks to 6-year-old Tino for the photo from 12th/Holden!

ADDED THURSDAY NIGHT: Three bear photos via text – 20th/Thistle:


And from Julia on 41st in North Admiral:

ADDED: From Valerie near Madison Middle School:

And from Monica on Palm Avenue in North Admiral:

CORONAVIRUS: Wednesday 3/25 roundup

Many days, this roundup is mostly a recap. Tonight, some new news too, so read all the way through:

WEST SEATTLE’S CONFIRMED COVID-19 CASES: Yes, as some commenters pointed out, this only counts those who have been tested. But so far, that remains the only benchmark we have. So, with that in mind, the newly launched King County data dashboard shows 51 confirmed cases – out of 555 people who have test results – in the five zip codes that comprise West Seattle (98146 also goes beyond city limits).

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Today’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release has a slogan (“Stand Together, Stay Apart”) as well as the numbers:

Public Health—Seattle & King County is reporting the following confirmed cases and deaths due to COVID-19 through 11:59 p.m. on 3/24/20.

1,359 confirmed positive cases (up 82 from yesterday)

100 confirmed deaths (up 6 from yesterday)

Important note: With the launch of the new data dashboard … Public Health will no longer be listing individual deaths by age and gender in our News Release. Detailed information about demographics of those who died from COVID-19 is available on the dashboard. Be sure to click the button to filter by “positive results only” to see age and gender of deaths.

One week ago, the King County numbers were 562 confirmed cases, 56 deaths.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: 2,580 confirmed cases, 132 deaths; other state stats here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them – nation by nation – here.

NEW SHELTERS, INCLUDING ONE IN WEST SEATTLE: Also from King County this afternoon – this announcement of what they’re doing to reduce crowding in shelters. They’re adding temporary shelter spaces at five more sites, including the city’s Southwest Teen Life Center (2801 SW Thistle), where there will be room for 50 people. We’ll be following up tomorrow to find out how people will get there/be referred there.

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS REACHES DEAL WITH TEACHERS’ UNION: SPS announced that the district “and the Seattle Education Association have collaboratively developed a Memorandum of Agreement to address work issues that have emerged as a result of school closures in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.” As part of the deal:

• Educators will deliver educational services to our students to the greatest degree reasonably possible. This will include considering how to satisfy graduation requirements and ensure equity in the delivery of services.

• This may also include identifying solutions for online or paper-packet supplemental learning materials, portfolio-based assessments, or providing “office hours” for students.

• Educators will be asked to provide graduating seniors the content they need to meet their graduation requirements and to support their post-secondary transition.

• School make-up shall be limited to those days required by law. Additional information will be provided once the extent of the school closure is clear.

• Evaluations will still be completed. Specific guidance on evaluations will come in a separate, and more detailed memo from HR.

Read the entire announcement here (PDF).

WHERE NOT TO PARK AT PARKS: We got the closures clarified today, with some potential good news if you’re looking to go boating.

REMINDER – ‘STAY HOME’ ORDER NOW IN EFFECT: Still not sure exactly what’s allowed and what’s not? Read it here in PDF, or below:

It’s in effect through April 6th – but the governor can decide to extend it.

GOT INFO? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

How many confirmed COVID-19 cases in West Seattle? We finally have that answer

Until today, we only knew about COVID-19 cases in West Seattle because they were announced by an institution. Now, King County has just launched a dashboard with data available by zip code. So here’s what it says for the five zip codes in West Seattle:

98106 – 11 positive tests, 117 people who “have test results,” 0 deaths

98116 – 10 positive tests, 136 test results, 0 deaths

98126 – 12 positive tests, 131 test results, 1 death “due to illness”

98136 – 6 positive tests, 76 test results, 1 death “due to illness”

98146 – 12 positive tests, 95 test results, 0 deaths

(Note that 98146 also stretches southward beyond the city limits.)

The 98126 death is likely the one previously reported here, at Bridge Park (where families have just been told today of a fourth case), but we have no details on the 98136 death. The language in the dashboard notes that deaths are among people with a positive test result who died “due to illness,” without saying outright that COVID-19 is what killed them, so keep that in mind. Again, here’s the dashboard if you want to explore the rest of the city/county yourself.

PARKING AT PARKS: Clarifying the closures

(WSB photo, midday today)

Though the city’s announcement Tuesday of closed parking lots at parks only mentioned eight “destination parks” including Lincoln Park and Alki (which doesn’t have a standalone lot), readers noticed others closed off – like Seacrest (above) and Don Armeni Boat Ramp (below).

(Tuesday photo by David Hutchinson)

We followed up today via the city’s Emergency Operations Center, which is fielding all media questIons related to the COVID-19 response. The reply: “Only the lots of the eight parks mentioned in the news release will be closed to help reduce crowds. . At Alki, the lots at Seacrest (take-out at Marination Ma Kai and dropoff at Water Taxi is still accessible) and Don Aremni (we are looking to reopen a portion to keep the boat launch operating) were closed to have the same result at this park.”

You’re making history. Here’s how to help chronicle it

(WSB file photo)

From the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, which is headquartered at Alki’s landmark Log House Museum:

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is requesting your help to document history as it unfolds.

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society realizes that we are living through an historic event. In an effort to document the effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on our community, we are collecting diary entries from residents of the Duwamish Peninsula. How has COVID-19 influenced your life and that of the community in which we live? Consider submitting an entry to help future historians understand how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced life in Southwest Seattle.

Visit to share your experience (here).

Or go directly to the form (here).

Though the museum is currently closed, you can explore some of its offerings online.

MASKS NEEDED: Request from The Kenney

Anyone have masks you haven’t donated yet? New request just in:

Hello, West Seattle Neighbors,

My name is Charlie Austin and I work with the activities department here at the Kenney Home on Fauntleroy Way SW, just north of Lincoln Park.

We are in dire need of N95 masks (or any cloth Masks) for our nursing staff here at the Kenney as well as gloves and PPE and are looking to the community to see if anyone has this equipment that they would be willing to donate to us. We have been working very hard to maintain the health of our residents and so far have been completely successful in keeping COVID-19 outside our doors. But in order to continue this level of safety for those living here we need to have access to masks, in particular, which are running in short supply.

The Kenney has been a West Seattle mainstay since 1907 when the Seattle city fathers established us. Many of you know us firsthand. Your grandparents and great-grandparents may have retired here.

Please help us continue to keep them safe and healthy. If you have anything that you would be willing to donate to us, we would be ever so appreciative. Simply bring them to The Kenney, 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW. We have a circle drive at that address which drives right up to our front door. I, or one of our employees will greet you there and bring the donations inside to make sure we stay C-19 free.

Thank you very much for your help in this stressful time and for helping us keep your parents and grandparents safe.

With much gratitude,

Charlie Austin
The Kenney Home
West Seattle

SCHOOLS: Hope Lutheran embraces online ‘Hope to Home Learning’

Story by Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
Photos courtesy of Hope Lutheran School

Like other schools in the region, West Seattle’s school buildings have been quiet since the March 12 announcement by Gov. Jay Inslee that all K-12 schools in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties must close until April 27 in response to COVID-19.

Some schools such as Hope Lutheran School (which recently celebrated its 60th anniversary) have implemented online learning as a means of keeping students engaged during the closure. Here’s a summary from Hope principal Kristen Okabayashi:

Read More

CORONAVIRUS: Tuesday 3/24 roundup

Here are the toplines from today, 25 days after the first King County case of COVID-19 was announced:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From today’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

Cases reported today are an approximation. Case numbers draw from a Washington State Department of Health database that is in the process of being updated. We expect to have an official count tomorrow. Public Health—Seattle & King County is reporting the following estimated positive cases and deaths due to COVID-19 through 11:59 p.m. on 3/23/20.

1277 estimated positive cases (up 107 from yesterday)
94 estimated deaths (up 7 from yesterday)

No other details. To compare – one week ago, 518 cases and 46 deaths were reported.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: 2,469 cases, 123 deaths; 31,712 tested, 7 percent of them positive; other state stats here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them – nation by nation – here.

STAY-HOME ORDER TAKES EFFECT TOMORROW: What’s allowed? What’s not? Read the proclamation in its entirety here.

IF YOUR BUSINESS HAS TO CLOSEhere’s police advice.

IF YOUR BUSINESS DOES NOT NEED TO CLOSE … you do NOT need a letter proving you’re allowed to be out of your home. Some employers are apparently giving them to employees, but we confirmed with state officials that there is no such requirement. (Even the governor’s proclamation says there isn’t.)

NO PARKING AT CERTAIN PARKS: Though the parks themselves are NOT off-limits, the city has closed off “destination” parks’ parking lots including Lincoln Park.

WSB readers spotted at least one lot closed that wasn’t mentioned – Don Armeni Boat Ramp.

NEED HELP, OR WANT TO HELP? Some of your West Seattle neighbors have a new website to facilitate connections.

HELPING: And so many have helped already. One local doctor shared his gratitude.

SOLO SINGALONG: Seniors at The Kenney in West Seattle took to their balconies to sing.

GOT INFO? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

STAY-HOME ORDER: Read the governor’s proclamation for yourself

Uncertain about what’s allowed under Governor Inslee‘s “stay-home order” and what’s not? Read it for yourself! It was finalized and made public today. It’s here in PDF, or below:

The first two pages are mostly set-up/background – the heart of it starts with page 3. His office also has published a transcript of the Monday speech in which he announced it.

NEED HELP? WANT TO HELP? New West Seattle website can connect you

In hopes of helping connect West Seattleite who need help with those who want to help, community advocates Phil Tavel and Brendan Kolding, with help from Sarah Rodermund, have launched a new collaborative effort online. The website – – is intended “to better connect individual volunteers and community organizations with local needs” in the coronavirus crisis. They’re using the platform, founded in 2012, which can connect volunteers with individuals who have specific needs, in a more-structured way, supplementing what’s already happening around the area. “It’s not an either/or,” Tavel said in the launch announcement. “It’s a both/and. We need everyone in our community to come together on this, and we are eager to provide additional tools.” Organizations can use the site too; the announcement explains, “Both needs and resources are tagged with specific labels like ‘transportation” or ‘medical supplies’ that are searchable to streamline the matching process. In addition, site administrators can help facilitate communication and recruit resources as needs emerge.” Got questions or want to help coordinate? Contact Phil Tavel at 206.949.8680 or

CLOSURE: Seattle Parks closing some parking lots

That photo of the now-closed Don Armeni Boat Ramp lot, from Stewart L., just arrived about the same time as Seattle Parks made this announcement:

In an effort to encourage social distancing and reduce the number of congregating crowds, the City of Seattle has closed parking at the eight destination parks, closed all beaches to gatherings and prohibited access to Rattlesnake Lake Recreation Area and Rattlesnake Ledge Trail near North Bend. Last week, the City and County announced that play areas and other high touch areas would be closed, and reinforced that congregating in parks is not allowed at this time.

The Seattle Parks and Recreation eight destination parks are Green Lake, Lincoln, Golden Gardens, Seward Park, Magnuson Park, Gas Works, Alki Beach, and Discovery. All Seattle beaches will no longer be open for gatherings; however, will remain open for walking or general exercise. Parking lots will be closed beginning Wednesday, March 25. Understanding the Governor’s Stay at Home, Stay Healthy order, residents are encouraged to visit the 479 local neighborhood parks or to bike or walk to these destination parks, which will remain open for public use.

SPR and SPD will also continue to deploy staff to encourage social distancing at these highly frequented parks as well as locations such as Cal Anderson and Volunteer Park.

“We still want people to be able to enjoy our parks during this stressful time. But we have seen many of our parks have become too busy to allow folks to properly create social distance. Our hope is that closing parking lots will reduce crowds. If folks are not able to maintain six feet of space, we will need to close parks,” said Jesús Aguirre.

As always, Seattle Parks and Recreation asks residents to:

Use social distancing: the most effective tool we have to slow the spread of COVID-19 is social distancing. We are asking people to abide by social distancing guidelines in Seattle Parks.

Do not access off limits equipment or areas: as of last week, Seattle and King County have closed all play areas and other high touch areas, such as picnic shelters, tables, and outdoor exercise equipment.

Do not congregate in parks: the means no pick-up games, no picnics, BBQs, parties, or bonfires.

Six feet for activities: Hiking, biking, walking are all great ways to enjoy parks right now, just remember to give a wide berth to your fellow residents.

Again, the parks/beaches are not closed – just closed to gathering, and to parking. We note that Don Armeni isn’t specifically mentioned so we’re following up.

NEIGHBORHOODS: Puzzle/game exchange in Westwood

While the weather is still good – if you are in Westwood, you can visit the puzzle/game exchange! Alison sent the photo and says it is in the 8600 block of 24th Avenue SW: “Would like to invite anyone to exchange puzzles or games.” Or if you are not in the area – you might consider one of your own.

GRATITUDE: Doctor says thanks

From the WSB inbox:

Wanted to thank Michan from West Seattle Window and Doors for donating almost 1,000 masks, gowns and booties to the West Seattle Swedish clinic. Helping keep us all safe. She wanted to pass on an excellent request to please follow the stay home order.

Steve Dagg, MD, MPH
West Seattle Swedish

If you have PPE to donate, here’s one resource for finding out who needs it (no West Seattle location, listed though – any local clinics that DO need help, let us know so we can amplify the call).

RUMOR DEBUNKED: No, ‘essential’ workers do NOT need a pass/letter to get around

In comments and email today, there arose suggestions/claims that “essential” workers will or should have a letter or “pass” to prove it’s OK for them to be moving around during the “stay-home order.” Since the governor very clearly did NOT say people would be required to show proof it’s OK for them to be out – this is NOT house arrest or martial law – we sought out an official comment on this. The governor’s office pointed us to the Department of Commerce, and we just heard back from that department’s spokesperson Penny Thomas. NO, she said, no one will need a pass or letter – that, she said, is an absolutely false rumor.