SURVEY: Reconnect South Park looking for your thoughts on four ‘potential futures’ for section of Highway 99

The Reconnect South Park initiative continues, envisioning future change along the stretch of Highway 99 that bisects South Park, and if you’re interested in this, the project team invites you to answer its survey:

Find the survey here. You can also look at the potential options on the RSP website. (Here’s our report on a project-milestone gathering a little over a year ago.)

6 Replies to "SURVEY: Reconnect South Park looking for your thoughts on four 'potential futures' for section of Highway 99"

  • JBen January 15, 2025 (2:03 am)

    I just went through this “SURVEY” and it is completely biased to provide support for a tiny group of activists. 
    Please read this propaganda and fill in the form negatively to disallow the bias it is gathering. 
    The shutdown of bridge and its replacement jumpstarted this coalition of very few members and has emboldened basically one well connected to local media professional activist.  

    I have supported South Park businesses for 30 years, including  the marina, boat repair, restaurants, coffee shops and bars which are doing better than ever.  
    Re-imagining (removing Highway 99)  makes as much sense as re-imagining police and removing the Fauntleroy Ferry Dock for the FCA.

  • Canton January 15, 2025 (7:39 am)

    Leave 99 alone, and repurpose the same section, but with I5…

    • Jon January 15, 2025 (5:40 pm)

      Canton, routing I-5 through South Park does not make sense.

      As it stands I think 99 is a blight on an underserved community, and I look forward to seeing what the South Park community decides about it.

      • Canton January 15, 2025 (6:04 pm)

        That’s the point. It’s a landgrab trying to disrupt a highway.

        • RobtheDragon January 16, 2025 (6:33 pm)

          Canton, I would encourage reading more about the project. This process of visioning potential futures for this segment of SR99 includes logistical improvements that have regional benefit, supporting local businesses, restoration of critical habitat, and if we are lucky, a carefully planned land transfer from WSDOT and Others to a community land trust/bank under a shared equity model, enabling multi-use development, community commerce, affordable housing/renting, greenspaces, and ideally land back to tribes. I would reserve the term “land grab” for when this highway was originally constructed, and all the industries which literally grabbed land from unsuspecting residents – much of which was a source of local food production… 

  • will o wisp January 16, 2025 (5:49 pm)

    The lower part of South Park next to the river is in a liquefaction zone and flood prone zone because it is built on the Duwamish flood plain.  It is home for many industries and one of the few inexpensive housing areas in Seattle. In not too many years, it will probably have more frequent flooding.   In my opinion the best use of money in this area is improving the creeks flowing into the Duwamish and services for the locals.  I think that sometime in the future a berm will need to be constructed on the west side of the river and the present highway may be the best place to build it

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