Comments on: FOLLOWUP: City narrows timeframe for clearing SW Trenton encampment West Seattle news, 24/7 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:57:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: KT Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:57:58 +0000 This community is strong and focused on safety but we are exhausted with many years of clearing RV encampments only for them to return over and over again. We the community can petition to the city for no over night parking zones in that area. However, this could impact the resistants whose homes are located on Trenton. How can we get together to come up with a parking zone that works for everyone to keep the neighborhood safe and accessible to the residents. Mike Gain was a leader of the Alki community group that petitioned for no overnight parking zone along Alki Harbor Ave and it’s been a success since 2023. 

By: Rick Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:35:45 +0000 Priorities ya know.

By: Window Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:19:33 +0000 “pending shelter bed availability” = it may or may not happen even then. Again … show up to the community meeting on 9/11!!

By: Disappointed Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:04:15 +0000 It looks like now that they know the site will be cleared some of the criminal(s) have moved on, leaving mostly the users for now, they’ll be what’s left when they start cleaning up.  Unfortunately the criminal aspect is allowed to move to a new neighborhood and not addressed. 

By: wetone Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:55:58 +0000 Spotted these post on Capital Hill ?  Why no consistency in this city from Bruce Harrell and his staff ?         

By: snowskier Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:45:18 +0000 School is back in session and this is a key lunchtime, before and after school route for loads of Sealth kids.  Not to mention it is adjacent to their athletic fields.  I thought the city was going to prioritize safety of children this year?? 

By: Alki resident Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:25:14 +0000 Grateful it’s happening but three weeks is way too long. Hopefully within a week or so it’ll be cleared.

By: Vee Wed, 04 Sep 2024 23:02:02 +0000 Really disappointed, should be done NOW,school started, I drove by today,it’s worse if possible, and some of the people who are barely functional with pants falling down ate going closer to post office and one was outside Marshalls and one went in there, it’s atrocious, I saw a group of students walking on other side of sidewalk going back to school , are they waiting for something to happen, the mayor called for safer schools and has added security at Garfield , where is Saka ,come take a look, and sports are starting, foot ball opener tomorrow, this is so upsetting 

By: DRW Wed, 04 Sep 2024 22:51:18 +0000 “Closely monitoring”?! Please.

By: David Wed, 04 Sep 2024 22:22:40 +0000 I can’t wait for this “crime scene” to be cleared! I drive by there twice a day, and observe more and more criminal activity.
