Thanks to all the WSB readers who help watch for cars reported as stolen. Here’s the latest report, from Sura:

My green 1998 CR-V was stolen early this morning, July 2, from where I always park it, across from my house at 30th & Henderson. I don’t have a photo of it, but pretty standard, normal aging scratches, rack on top, spare tire on back. WA license #338XKY. Police report #24-180819. I love my car. If you see it or the license plate, please call me: 805-698-3332.

16 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen green CR-V"

  • Jinhee Simpson July 2, 2024 (5:35 pm)

    I live a couple houses down from 30th & Henderson and our car battery was stolen sometime last night. I hope you get your car back asap!

    • surahart July 2, 2024 (7:40 pm)

      Interesting. Our neighbor’s black truck was stolen last night. It had a dead battery and they left that on the sidewalk and took off (apparently with your battery).

    • Nathan Mabee July 2, 2024 (8:38 pm)

      I live on 29th and Henderson. My truck was stolen last night. The battery was dead and they left me the battery. Think we know where yours went!

  • Ann July 2, 2024 (6:51 pm)

    Sura, what color is your Honda CR-V?  Anything else ljje stickers on the windows or bumpers?  Anything in the car … that may get tossed out… that the neighborhood can  watch for / look out for ?My *1997 Honda Accord LX* was stolen from outside my house on *30th Ave Sw & SW Henderson* on Dec 13, 2023 – 6 months ago.  It was found on Dec 19th in a business’s parking – on Orcas St, just off 1st Ave, in SODO. The steering wheel was cut neatly through in 2 places to remove a section of it so the CLUB could be removed.  The ignition locking systsm had been disabled – basically ripped out, and the car jump started.  The gas tank, just filled the evening before, had been siphoned;  a 36″ length of blue hose was left in the car. Two Graco carseats for my twin granddaughters were gone, and my grandson’s booster seat. The parking lot where SPDC detectives found my Honda was adjacent to a location where three very dilapidated RVs were parked in the street with a gas-powered generator on the berm beside one RV; it was running and the smell of gasoline was very heavy.  Detectives said this was a “known area”.Insurance totaled my Honda because the cost to clean it for possible fentynol contamination is very high.I bought this Honda Accord in Oct 1997, original and only owner. It had 205k miles and I was confident I could get it to 225k. It was heartbreaking, but I drove to CoPart in Arlington to retrieve my belongings from the trunk and say goodbye to the old girl who served me for 27 years.I believe the people who stole my car were very skilled and well equipped to swiftly take any vehicle, anytime.  SPD didn’t even dust for prints – so this sh-t will go on, without penalty. And law abiding citizens are left holding the $$ check.

    • surahart July 2, 2024 (7:38 pm)

      Thanks, Ann. My car is green-blue. No stickers. Just one thing of mostly personal value inside is a new plastic crate filled with my “No-Fault Zone” communication games and some card decks that go with it. So sorry to hear about your Honda. These old Hondas are such great cars; from what my mechanic says, mine could last me for the rest of my life. Well, I am 76; I’ve had “Jade” for 24 years.

  • Ann July 2, 2024 (7:16 pm)

    I think we’re targeted by the RV and car campers parked 3 blocks from here on Trenton. There’re also been people with grocery carts and backpacks going by the now empty house at 30th&Henderson:  checking it out, going in the backyard, changing their clothes. There was a lot of activity Sunday afternoon. 

    • HS July 2, 2024 (10:16 pm)

      I just walked past that house the other day. I’ve always liked that home. Does anyone know what is going on with the property? As a neighbor, I’m dismayed to read of the thefts and trespassing.

  • surahart July 2, 2024 (7:30 pm)

    update from Sura: my neighbor’s webcam caught video at 4:45 am of a white 2-door Subaru Impreza pulling up, someone getting out of it and driving my car away. I guess this is useful for the police? But it took two of us 1 hour each to wait for police to pick up the phone. I think they said to call 911 with any updates. Does this make sense?

    • Ann July 2, 2024 (9:38 pm)

      The non-emergency number to call to ask for / give updates:  (206) 625-5011. However, in my experience, this number is rarely answered! And it does not have voice mail.   The “push” is to do online reporting:  City of Seattle (seattle.gov), Seattle Police Department, and, submit additional information for your SPD Incident#  (FYI:  you do not have to create an account to do so.)

    • Danimal July 3, 2024 (11:18 am)

      How does everyone CONTINUE to keep missing that the police have said, and it’s been reported here that they’ve said, to CALL 9-1-1 FOR EVERYTHING. The POLICE SAY TO DO THIS. Again – CALL 9-1-1 FOR EVERYTHING.  They will route you to wherever your call needs to go, and can prioritize a response this way. If it’s not busy, you might get an officer right away.  

  • Gratitude July 3, 2024 (8:50 am)

    Thank you All, for keeping a look out for Jade, & the stolen black truck too. It truly takes a village, & I do believe ¡Sí Se Puede! It can be done! Let’s stay vigilant & help Sura (& her neighbor) get their car back🥰 Also, The No Fault Zone Game sounds like just the right thing! Hope the thieves take a look at it🙃 A communication game with card decks? Sounds Fun❣️ Where can I get one?

    • surahart July 4, 2024 (7:46 pm)

      Hi there Gratitude. Love your name! I have lots more No-Fault Zone Games. You can read about it at www. thenofaultzone.com or for an in-person intro, call or text me for a good time to get together: 805.698.3332 ~Sura

  • Ann July 3, 2024 (4:01 pm)

    The empty house on 30th & Henderson was bought by a real estate developer in mid-April.  A decontamination crew, initially wearing full hazmat suits, came and emptied the house and yard of trash, filling 3 massive waste bins – bigger than any I’ve ever seen put on a property even for a complete roof tear-off. And (I was told) construction permit applications were filed with the intention to bring the property back to its former glory when it was on the West Seattle Tour of Gardens. 

  • surahart July 7, 2024 (3:17 pm)

    I haven’t heard any news about my car. But two neighbors caught on their webcam a white 2-door Subaru Impreza arriving and leaving with Jade. I called 911 to report this info and my call was answered right away, I was rerouted right away, and was told someone else (in the cell phone division??) would call me later, maybe asking for the footage? Such a different, positive experience with police (than the other day when we were on hold for almost 2 hours) left me a little bit hopeful. At least, it felt good to sense that someone there cares and is paying attention.

  • surahart July 7, 2024 (5:56 pm)

    I just got a very kind and informative call from Officer Baxton @ SPD. He said to ask the two neighbors that saw the white (2-door Impreza) Subaru on their webcams to send their footage to SPD, referencing my case number. I’m working on that. He also said that 1980-2002  Hondas (Toyotas, Acuras) are not mined for parts but used for transport to commit the next crime. Jade might be parked on a street somewhere… Wish I had a tracker. He also said that clubs are not fool-proof but worth having. As is installing a Kill switch that I would operate manually; when it’s on it would (with forced entry) short circuit the ignition switch making it impossible to drive. He said the average recovery time is 2-6 days. We’re at Day #6.  Hope this is helpful to someone. (Definitely call 911 for ANYTHING.)

  • surahart July 10, 2024 (12:10 pm)

    This is not my actual car (can’t find a picture of Jade) but looks just like it. Hopefully not too late to be useful in finding her.

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