FOLLOWUP: Westwood house fire blamed on barbecue debris

(WSB photo, Sunday morning)

Early Sunday, we reported on a house fire in Westwood. Everyone got out OK, no injuries. SFD’s investigator has determined the cause, according to spokesperson Kaila Lafferty: “Investigators determined the cause of the fire was accidental, started by charcoal briquettes that fell from a barbecue and ignited the deck. The fire then spread to the back of the house and into the attic.”

9 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Westwood house fire blamed on barbecue debris"

  • bolo July 8, 2024 (7:57 pm)

    Unfortunate. I now understand how that can happen though. During my 4th of July BBQ I had set my t-shirt down off to the side of the BBQ. Later when I put it back on it had a big hole burned in it! Think I will keep a big bucket of water next to future BBQs.

    • Pelicans July 9, 2024 (7:18 am)

      Thanks Bolo for your advice. Made that mistake before, too!  

  • Alki resident July 8, 2024 (8:39 pm)

    I remember when the house in Arbor Heights burned down years ago because of bbq debris left in garage. 

    • WSB July 8, 2024 (8:46 pm)

      August 2011. Will never forget that one, for a variety of reasons.
      SFD’s quote: ” “old charcoal or wood in the [portable] fire pit spontaneously combusted”

      • Alki resident July 8, 2024 (9:28 pm)

        We lived two blocks from it. We were so upset the hydrants weren’t working. They had hose strung up all over the blocks just to get water to the house. It was shocking to see the house the next day and to learn about the hydrants. 

      • ACG July 8, 2024 (10:01 pm)

        I remember that fire in 2011 also. Seeing the fire hoses running block after block until they could find a working hydrant. I think they had to run the hoses all the way out to 35th. Won’t forget that ever. Thankful that everyone made it out of this fire safely!!

        • Alki resident July 9, 2024 (4:33 am)

          Yes hoses went to 35th. So much panic and craziness. That changed things for everyone after learning the hydrants didn’t work. We added extra smoke detectors and fire extinguishers after that. 

  • Watermelon July 9, 2024 (2:09 am)

    Like isn’t the fireman or firewoman job is to actually check to see if fire hydrant are actually working properly?? I remember them checking the fire hydrant on our corner to see if it’s working.  I know that they have many jobs but I have seen them checking fire hydrant also along with washing the fire trucks and going to fires and other emergency.

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