West Seattle Baseball wants you to know that its Summer CRUSH signups are open until June 17. Here’s the announcement:
Summer CRUSH is West Seattle Baseball´s fun summer league that combines some of the organizational elements of the spring league with more of the fun, summery vibe from sandlot-style baseball with your friends. It is also an opportunity for players to take advantage of more reps, plus try new positions and new facets of the game in a fun, low-stress situation. There generally are no practices and the baseball feels more like sandlot games or scrimmages. Again our focus is on having fun and playing more baseball.
CRUSH is divided into three divisions, Pinto 8U, Mustang 10U, and Bronco 12U. 8U and 12U are scheduled to play Mondays and Wednesdays. 10U is scheduled to play Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Softball is back and expanded to two days per week! Softball will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays. The goal is to identify their knowledge and skill set to aptly teach and help gain confidence in their abilities. Division will probably be in the Pinto (8U), Mustang (10U) and Bronco (12U) range; however, this is subject to registration.
New to Summer CRUSH, we will be adding a Shetland/T-Ball instructional division one night per week. This division of T-Ball (6U) will be on Thursday nights 5-6 pm and continue to be a fun level of baseball to run around and play some ball.
Team rosters are built with summer vacations in mind. Larger rosters can sometimes mean that the batting order gets long, more often, however, it prevents teams being too short-handed to realistically play when multiple players are out of town on family trips. Again, games are scheduled only for weeknights, leaving weekends completely free.
Registration fee for CRUSH Baseball and Softball is $125; cost includes a ballcap and team jersey for each player. Registration fee for Shetland/T-Ball is $100. The CRUSH season will begin the week of July 8 and run for 6 weeks ending on August 18.
West Seattle Baseball’s Summer CRUSH registration is open through June 17th. For more information about Summer CRUSH, go here.
West Seattle Baseball is volunteer-run and nonprofit.
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