(May 2014 WSB video of Camper Van Beethoven at Easy Street Records)
Just last night, we brought you the story of Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor) and nonprofit Mode Music and Performing Arts enlisting community help to move, with their building (and other businesses) right in the path of the Delridge light-rail station’s location. Music being near and dear to the heart of Easy Street Records proprietor Matt Vaughan, he has just announced a unique donation to the Mode campaign – he’s auctioning off his shop’s iconic stage – seen above in video of one of the many shows we’ve covered there – to make room for a new one, after so many unforgettable concerts. From his social-media announcement:
There have been so many iconic moments on our stage, guessing about 2,000 performances. Have a favorite? Discover an artist? Meet a new friend?
Time has come, we need a larger stage and better flow for our cafe patrons and staff. Originally our lil stage was designed for singer/songwriters, DJs, acoustic sets. We eventually added extensions to the stage for larger acts. The list is too long to mention, but yes…this is the same stage @brandicarlile has performed on multiple times, @pearljam and their various side projects, just about every local musician in the PNW. U see @theheadandtheheart last year? @duffmckagan a month or so back, The Sonics & Friends on #RSD15, @ayronjonesmusic @mudhoney_ @symlmusic @sandriderseattle @cavesingers #DamienJurado @shabazzpalaces @brittanydavismusic … @billybraggofficial @reignwolf @foyvance. Not sure who the first on the stage was, we built it in ‘98. Our earlier instores were on the floor (no stage), back where the poster racks are now and then later where the kitchen is now. Who was the first performance on this stage ? @easystreetguy guess is either @theejohndoe #rocketfromthecrypt #blackrebelmotorcycleclub @peteyorn or #Luna
Our very 1st proper instore was #CrittersBuggin @loosegrooverecords @skerik Were u there?
Interested in acquiring this legendary stage? Proceeds will go to Mode Music Studios New Home.
Bidding has begun and closes Thursday at 6 pm – email info@easystreetonline.com, subject line “Stage” – Matt adds, “Dimensions 8’ x 10’ x 1’, we will include the extension pieces as well. Stage must be removed by 9 pm on Thursday, new stage being installed!” Here’s another look in a WSB file photo: