CLOSURE CHANGE: SDOT now plans to close West Seattle low bridge starting Saturday, April 20

(Low bridge, SDOT traffic camera)

Thanks to Lorrie for the tip via a comment. SDOT has updated its plan for closing the West Seattle low bridge to enable its control-and-communications upgrade work. Now the closure is scheduled to start at 6 am Saturday (April 20) and end by 5 am Monday, April 29. SDOT explains, “The closure was originally scheduled to begin on April 19, but we realized we could accomplish the work planned that day without closing the bridge until April 20.”

9 Replies to "CLOSURE CHANGE: SDOT now plans to close West Seattle low bridge starting Saturday, April 20"

  • WSeaBiker April 15, 2024 (3:52 pm)

    Will it be closed to bike traffic as well or just cars? 

    • WSB April 15, 2024 (4:35 pm)

      Closed to all surface traffic. Boats will be able to get through. If you missed previous stories, SDOT page linked above has all the details, including free daily roundtrip across the river (by bus or Water Taxi) and how to get it.

  • Neighbor April 15, 2024 (5:39 pm)

    What’s the alternate bike route?  I see how to get to the 1st Ave S bridge but how do I get back to East Marginal Way?  The SDOT page has a link to a bike map but it’s only visible to city employees.

    • bolo April 15, 2024 (10:26 pm)

      Have you tried this map?:

      In my experience: The actual 1st Ave S. bridge bikeway itself is pretty bike friendly but the access getting to it is definitely unfriendly. For a first-timer or sporadic user I would avoid it. (If it fits your schedule) just use the offered passes for bus or water taxi and stay safe!

      • Neighbor April 18, 2024 (12:10 pm)

        Thank you!  I think this is the map SDOT tried to link to on their page but posted an internal link.  The 1st Ave bikeway feels like it would be sketchy so I appreciate the feedback that it’s not too bad.  I can navigate that area and my e-bike can help reduce the speed differential.  It’s too big to go on the water taxi though.

    • Chris April 16, 2024 (8:16 am)

      Once you ride it one time from WS, it’s pretty easy.  At the end when you drop down, E Marginal Wy is very close by. To return you go back the same way.  Ride safe.

  • Admiral-2009 April 15, 2024 (10:36 pm)

    It’s nice the bridge will be open on the 19th, bike riding conditions, aka weather, are projected to be ideal that day.

  • Ts April 22, 2024 (12:48 pm)

    Is there a plan in place to keep the trucks from using the bridge as a waiting line for the port? This causes a backup onto 1-5 when the lower bridge is open so possible to be worse when boats are in. If trucks try to cut the line by entering from rainier than all lanes to ws bridge westbound can be blocked. Something like my vet has, check in, get an estimate return time and get a text 30 minutes prior. Would clear roadways, ease pollution and weight stress on bridges(sw Barton busses type stree/damage) and allow drivers to rest, eat, shower, spend money at local businesses 

  • nothend April 24, 2024 (6:31 am)

       Here is the plan.  T-5 Final Environmental Impact Statement:   Section 6.2.4   Gate Queue Management Plan:  – The terminal operator would operate the pre-check and main gate in a manner to prevent the truck queue
    from extending onto SW Spokane Street. The operation is expected to change daily based on the
    expected gate volume. The following lists a menu of potential operations that could be implemented to
    reduce the potential queue.    But the POS doesn’t have a very good record of fulfilling its obligations needed to acquire building permits.  For the SeaTac third runway they promised to only use it sparingly,,, bad weather or maintenance on existing runways.  I haven’t landed on anything but the third runway in the last 10 years. 

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