That’s the trailer for “Ingress,” a sci-fi movie written and directed by Bainbridge Island filmmaker Rachel Noll James that’s about to be shown for a week at West Seattle’s Admiral Theater (2343 California SW). Noll James also stars in “Ingress,” which she summarizes as: “A woman who can move between parallel realities loses her husband tragically and must overcome past trauma to travel the multiverse once again and find her way into a reality where he is still alive.” She tells WSB that “Ingress” was entirely filmed on Bainbridge, and since she’s so close by, “I will be attending to do a talkback about the filmmaking process for the opening-night screening on March 8th.” That’s Friday at 7 pm. Subsequent Admiral Theater showings will be at 1 pm and 7 pm Saturday and Sunday (March 9-10) and 3:30 pm Monday-Thursday (March 11-14); the movie runs just under two hours. You can get tickets (and see what else is showing at The Admiral) by going here.
West Seattle, Washington
06 Friday