High-school softball season is still about a month away, but some of West Seattle HS‘s team members were on the field at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex this morning for a special event – mentoring younger players.
The clinic was for West Seattle Little League softball players in two groups – first the Rookies and Minors (League age 7-10 or for beginners), then Majors and Juniors (league age 11-14 or for advanced players):
Participants got to practice hitting, throwing, catching, fielding, and running:
The clinic was created three seasons ago by Kamil Ygnacio, now a senior, to help raise softball’s community visibility:
Clinic participation has doubled over the years – 60 players this time around. The clinic was free of charge for WSLL players but donations were welcome to help the WSHS softball program (you can chip in here – specify that it’s for softball).