(Photo courtesy Combat Arts Academy)
All ages are assisting with a food and clothihg drive happening right now at Combat Arts Academy (5050 Delridge Way SW), and you can too! They’re also planning a fundraising self-defense workshop for women on Sunday. First, the donation drive, which continues through the end of the month:
Winter’s chill has been upon us, and not everyone has a warm meal waiting. We’re collecting food and clothes for the West Seattle Food Bank through the end of the month. Let’s make a difference together!
Drop off items at Combat Arts Academy at 5050 Delridge Way SW
– M-Th 10a-9p, F 3p-9p, Su 10a-2p
– shoot us a message and we can coordinate.Items:
– Non-Perishable foods (think ready-to eat): chili, soups, shelf stable milk, etc
– Healthy Snacks for kids (backpack program for school lunch): huge; fruit leather, granola bars, microwaveable pasta meals and soup cups, oatmeal/cereal packs
– Clothesline: winter coats, hats, gloves, hand warmers, towels, tents, sleeping bags, new underwear and socks, backpacks and duffle bags, suitcases with wheels, sheets and blankets
– Baby Corner: diapers, formula, wipes
The women’s self-defense workshop is at 3 pm Sunday (January 28) at CAA, suggested donation $30, for girls and women 13+ – details and registration link are in our calendar listing.
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