VIDEO: West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Q&A with City Council D-1 candidates

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Voting begins this week in the general election, with three major open seats in our area – Seattle City Council District 1, King County Council District 8, and Seattle School Board District 6.

At its monthly lunch meeting this past Thursday, the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce hosted two half-hour mini-forums with the candidates in two of those races. We’ve already published our coverage of the Q&A with the County Council candidates (see it here). Here’s what happened when City Council D-1 candidates Maren Costa and Rob Saka shared the stage to answer questions asked by local journalist/broadcaster, and Chamber board member, Brian Callanan. (The Chamber’s new executive director Rachel Porter made it clear first that the organization does not endorse candidates and was presenting this as an opportunity “for our business leaders to hear from those who wish to represent us.)

Below are brief summaries of the questions and responses; as with our usual coverage format for events like this, these are paraphrases except for any words/phrases inside quotation marks.

Each gave an opening statement, with campaign talking points we’ve mentioned here multiple times previously. So we’re getting directly to the Q&A, and focusing on the portions of the responses that were related to the question:

Q: District 1 has a diverse range of small businesses – how do you support small business and entrepreneurship?

COSTA: My twin sister has a small business in West Seattle. The city needs to continue subsidies, help people with insurance, low-interest loans, plus the Downtown Activation Plan needs to be spread around. What’s right for small businesses is right for the city.

SAKA: The number one thing I can do as your elected councilmember is to improve the public-safety situation to make the streets safer for yourselves and your customers.

Q: On the topic of public safety, how can the city address concerns while also working on police accountability?

SAKA: I’m here for a balanced approach – police reform and individual officer accountability … City Council has kicked down the legs of police – but we need them; police need to rebuild and reform – we need to set and enforce the expectations.

COSTA: Need a comprehensive public-safety plan – need a plan for how to hire more police – and we need to turn the culture of police around. We have “way more good apples than bad apples” but when we don’t hold bad apples accountable, we disrespect good apples – that discourages Generations Y and Z from coming to work here.

(In rebuttals, each candidate claimed theirs is the most-comprehensive public-safety plan.)

Q: What specific infrastructure projects/features could improve transportation and accessibility?

COSTA: We need to be connected; what we see are disconnected options – partial transit, bike trails, unsafe streets and sidewalks.

SAKA: In transportation, I’m here to focus on basics – public safety, public parks, public infrastructure – while door-knocking, I’ve heard about the huge need for sidewalks in the city. Concerned about bridge infrastructure too.

Q: The drug bill recently passed by the City Council – how will this impact District 1?

SAKA: Yes, I support that law. Testified in favor of it and collected signatures supporting it.

COSTA: It’s “performative” – if you want to lock up drug users, it’s not going to happen – the jails are understaffed and full – if you prefer diversion, we’re not funding it.

In rebuttal/elaboration, Saka accused Costa of opposing the bill. She countered that what she said is that the bill is “meaningless” until there’s funding for diversion/treatment programs.

Q: Talk about affordable housing and homelessness.

COSTA: We need eemrgency housing, supportive housing, tiny-home villages, million-dollar houses … we have people who can’t afford to pay property taxes, we can’t load everything onto the middle and lower classes, we need progressive revenue because otherwise property taxes keep going up.

SAKA: We need to do a better job of addressing root cause, systemic issues, poverty, lack of access, the city needs to focus on investing in low- and middle-income people – need to make permitting easier – but we’re not gonna “root-cause our way out of this.”

In rebuttal/elaboration, Costa denied Saka’s claim that she didn’t support clearing encampments; she said she did support that when people are connected with services, but “right now we’re just sweeping them down the road.” Saka countered that people are being connected with services now.

A “lightning round” of quick questions to “humanize” the candidates followed.

Dog person or cat person?
SAKA: Dog.

Pineapple on pizza?

Introvert or extrovert?
SAKA: Natural introvert but conditioned to be extrovert.
COSTA: Same.

Mountains – Olympics or Cascades?
COSTA: Olympics.
SAKA: Cascades.

Favorite book?
SAKA: Book by John Wooden, not certain of title.
COSTA: “The Overstory.”

Astrological sign?
COSTA: Scorpio.
SAKA: Aquarius.

Closing statements:

SAKA: Seattle is at a crossroads – we can’t afford “more of the same.” I’m not here to take anyone for granted.

COSTA: I come from big business; I’m very different from current leaders – will focus on frugality, diving deep, simplifying. We can work together and solve the problems.

WHAT’S NEXT: Ballots go out Wednesday; you can vote as soon as you get yours. Deadline is November 7th. We know of at least one more chance to see the candidates together in West Seattle, a senior-focused forum, 3 pm October 23rd at the Senior Center of West Seattle. The candidates are also on the agenda for the Morgan Community Association‘s quarterly meeting online this Wednesday (October 18), 7 pm.

26 Replies to "VIDEO: West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Q&A with City Council D-1 candidates"

  • Del October 16, 2023 (12:39 am)

    Nope to Maren Costa. She’s Herbold 2.0

    • Derek October 16, 2023 (2:47 am)

      How long you going to keep saying this lie? 

    • Cat Girl October 16, 2023 (6:00 am)

      This talking point is false and over used. Costa has my vote. She is the better candidate by a long shot. I swear Saka has people posting on here because y’all keep repeating the same nonsense over and over again. 

      • Whittleman October 16, 2023 (11:16 am)

        I’ve watched all the videos posted featuring both candidates (thank you WSB for posting them!) and while I think both candidates are good options, Saka has my vote.

        Honestly, I hope people can see through both opponents tactics to paint the other in a negative light (Saka saying Maren Costa thinks Defund was a good idea, Costa saying Saka is backed by people who gave to Trump, therefore false equivalence of Saka = Trump)

        It might seem insignificant, but Costa asking to repeat the question several times during her responses because she forgot what the question was, or going over time says a lot about her as a candidate for me personally.

        I personally love Saka’s focus on public safety and small businesses, and the energy he brings to those issues. It feels focused and not reaching for pie-in-the-sky when we have a mess to deal with on the ground.

        With Costa, I think her intentions are well and good, and I agree with her thoughts on certain issues (i.e. public drug use enforcement is useless without meaningful spending on treatment centers, etc.), but I can easily see future excuses come down the pipeline when such-and-such progressive taxes doesn’t pass to pay for such things, etc. There are just too many echoes of the recent past failures of the previous City Council… good intentions do not a good policy make.

        I will be voting Saka this Fall.

        • Canton October 16, 2023 (9:06 pm)

          Agree 💯. We need a big change in local gov. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results- Einstein 

  • Derek October 16, 2023 (2:52 am)

    So Saka repeatedly says “we’re not going to root cause our way out of this” wow that’s discouraging to hear ANY politician admit. How un-pragmatic is he? Might as well say: Why have vaccines when we can just keep blowing our nose and treating the symptoms. Vote Costa!

    • Canton October 16, 2023 (9:09 pm)

      Fixing root causes takes decades upon decades to even analyze, yet alone correct. We need NOW fixes.

  • Robert October 16, 2023 (6:23 am)

    We’re living in the work of the current city Council. It’s not true that it’s a nightmare. But the trends are not good. There is increased crime. And too many small businesses with plywood on their doors. Too many stories of grocery store employees intimidated by people with weapons as they steal. Too nmany people feeling free to run red lights. The root-cause case versus the get-something-done-now case is out of balance. The mayor needs a city Council that will help get the job done.

    • Jeff October 16, 2023 (12:49 pm)

      Why did we vote Harrell (12 years experience on council crafting the legislation we have today) if we truly wanted change from this council?????

      • Robert October 17, 2023 (4:34 am)

        We voted for Harrell over Gonzalez (58.6% to 41.2%). The largest margin of victory since 1969. So, both had experience. Our hope was for a more pragmatic progressive approach over a more utopian approach. In the polarity between tangible results now vs. root causes people though we needed more of the former. But then my guess is you already know all that. To make the needed changes the mayor needs more people on Council who will vote to support those changes. 

        • Jeff October 17, 2023 (10:40 am)

          So change didn’t happen actually. Actually crime has RISEN under Harrell and Nelson. But no one talks about THAT. 

  • WS NEEDS CHANGE October 16, 2023 (6:46 am)

    Many of us know that we will vote for Costa.  Many of us know that we will vote for Saka.To those of you who are undecided, I implore you to think about risk, and the mistake you would rather NOT make if you picked the wrong candidate.  Maren Costa is just too risky.  She will continue Herbold policies, and maybe be worse. We do not know.  And we do not know what new challenges will face the council.  Think about new and harder challenges, and which candidate you think will be more likely to deal with them. Rob Saka is not perfect, but he has experience and training and is more balanced.  That is the choice for the undecideds.  AND VOTE – these races are decided by small margins –  each vote matters.

    • DC October 16, 2023 (1:33 pm)

      Our biggest problem right now is housing and I lean towards Costa on that. Crime and problems hiring police are nation wide issues that city council has little control over (the money is already there sitting and waiting for police to apply). Housing, however, is a solvable problem if we don’t bow to the interests of incumbent homeowners and NIMBY nostalgia. One critical component of successfully increasing density is having better options for transit, walking and rolling – even at the cost of inconveniencing single occupancy vehicles. Here, too, I lean Costa. These are the risks I am balancing. 

    • Ew Pineapple October 16, 2023 (1:50 pm)

      Planned to vote Costa until I heard the news ~ she likes pineapple on pizza…that says a lot about a person.  

  • Peter October 16, 2023 (8:03 am)

    Astrological sign. Olympics or Cascades. Dog or cat. Pineapple on pizza. Why does the chamber of commerce think this is some kind of joke? They should be embarrassed and apologize for this utter nonsense. 

    • thr truth October 16, 2023 (10:16 pm)

      I think it was an attempt to tone down attacks, bring a little levity and to remind people that at the end of the day, these folks are human just like the rest of us.

  • Jeff October 16, 2023 (9:52 am)

    I say VOTE COSTA! Tired of Saka’s rambling with no substance. He has zero experience in any of these areas he expects to improve. 

  • Peter October 16, 2023 (10:06 am)

    Saka doesn’t seem to be a details guy… I don’t agree with Costa on several issues but she at least seems to be well informed. On the other hand, I’m not having pineapple on a pizza, that’s revolting.

  • Above Alki October 16, 2023 (12:40 pm)

    Regarding the informal questions to the candidates that Peter mentions: I happened to hear part of one of the forums on KUOW when these got asked. Two of the most significant among the trivia questions were who did you vote for for mayor and for prosecuting attorney. Saka said Harrell and Davison; Costa said  Gonzalez  and Thomas-Kennedy. I’d think that these are telling answers about what each of them stands for.

    • Jeff October 16, 2023 (3:19 pm)

      Yeah and EXACTLY why I will vote for Costa. I severely disliked Harrell and Nelson and Davison.  Especially Davison, who is an open Trump supporter and pro-Reagan era drug legislation.

    • Peter October 16, 2023 (10:51 pm)

      Asking who they voted for is a relevant and important question. Asking about bullsh*t astrology, pets, and pizza toppings is an intentional insult to the candidates and the voters. Equating questions about who they voted for to pizza toppings is pure idiocy. 

    • wssz October 17, 2023 (5:44 pm)

      I really appreciate your comment. It makes me much more confident of voting for Saka. And Ann Davidson is NOT a trumpian (The Stranger loves fear mongering those who don’t agree with them) .  She’s a centrist and has made it clear that Seattle’s  progressive policies are not working and wants to pull the city back toward the center.

  • Ellis Otrec October 16, 2023 (3:59 pm)

    Saka is a centrist Dem, getting support from Harrell and the Dems who don’t want change.  They kowtow to the rich and big business.  Saka is getting a boatload of money from them.  He says he is different but he has no plans to speak of, just repeating the same rhetoric.  Costa is a better choice unless you want more of the same.   We need to take risks to change our future as right now it is looking bad moving forward.  We don’t need more of the same.

  • Foop October 16, 2023 (8:22 pm)

    Saka being police obsessed, ignoring root causes, and admitting he wants to stop any non-car focused urban development puts him in solid ‘no territory for me. We don’t need this kind of regressive nimbyism hamstringing future generations 

  • Alki Steve October 17, 2023 (8:04 am)

    No to Saka!!! He’s anti transit! 

  • April October 17, 2023 (10:21 am)

    Voting for Saka. Costa is just more of the same!

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