ELECTION 2023: Early voting; video of City Council forum

13 days left to vote; your ballot should have arrived by now.

EARLY VOTING: King County Elections is now updating stats on how many ballots have been received. As of right now, they have received 2,645 ballots from Seattle City Council District 1 (out of 74,329 registered voters). The leader right now is District 3 (Capitol Hill and vicinity, represented by outgoing Councilmember Kshama Sawant), with almost 4,000 ballots already returned. You should have received your ballot by now; if you haven’t – here’s what to do.

CANDIDATE FORUM: On Monday, D-1 candidates Rob Saka and Maren Costa had another side-by-side appearance, this time at the Senior Center of West Seattle, in a forum presented by Age-Friendly Seattle. Here’s our video of the event:

Tuesday, November 7th, is the deadline for voting. You can put your ballot in USPS mail or in an official KC Elections dropbox.

14 Replies to "ELECTION 2023: Early voting; video of City Council forum"

  • WS NEEDS CHANGE October 25, 2023 (7:24 pm)

    The benefit of the continuing coverage of these events by the WSB is that a clear picture emerges over time.  I have said this before:  those who already plan to vote for Saka, will, and those who already plan to vote for Costa, will.  For those of you who are undecided, Maren Costa is just too risky.  Please consider that.  She is Lisa Herbold 2.0.  She does not have relevant experience – we are not hiring a user interface designer.  She is awkwardly uncomfortable and inarticulate, even after all of these events.  This is not who we want in city hall representing us.Rob Saka, while still not perfect, has training and experience that is relevant, and he will be more balanced and more able to respond to unforeseen future demands.  And Rob is still plenty liberal if that matters to you, let’s be clear!Please vote for Rob.  These races are decided by a small number of votes, and each matters.  We cannot afford the unknown risk that would be a Maren Costa on the city council.  Mail your ballot!

  • Also John October 25, 2023 (7:32 pm)

    Vote Rob Saka if you want to see criminals get what they deserve.

    • WS Res October 25, 2023 (8:41 pm)

      Man, say the quiet part out loud next time.

      • Quiz October 27, 2023 (10:50 am)

        @WS RES, what’s controversial about a criminal getting what they deserve?

  • D October 25, 2023 (7:35 pm)

    How about not using plastic bottles next time?  It is not good for the environment.

    • WSB October 25, 2023 (8:35 pm)

      I don’t know whether the bottles were provided by the sponsors, the centers, or brought by the candidates themselves. We did not sponsor this one (and have not provided food/drink at either of the ones that we presented this year).

  • 1994 October 25, 2023 (8:58 pm)

    No on Costa and No on Mosqueda. Yes for Saka and Yes for Aragon!!

  • Saka Saka saka October 25, 2023 (9:32 pm)


  • Josh October 26, 2023 (8:39 am)

    Based on how the comments here tend to skew towards a more conservative candidate/positions and the like then what ends up getting voted in it looks like we can expect Maren Costa to be the next council member for the district.For me Saka said all he had to say in two responses to questions at an earlier forum.  In response to if we should continue to try to improve things like cycling infrastructure Saka says “we are good on bikes”.  Then later in response to questions about what he will do to support the cities efforts to respond to climate change he says we need to “get people out of cars”.    He has no theory to his responses, he seems to just say whatever he thinks you want to hear.  The above is just one example but he is consistent throughout: make it sound like you answered the question without actually saying anything.  He appears to just be a burgeoning politician and not a public servant.  These forums have value in that they give a chance to see what theory they have, what logic they use to problem solve, to detail a platform (if they have one).  Costa at least seems to have a platform and a logic that is consistent so you can have an idea of how they will function on the council.  Saka seems like he will just do whatever his donors and bosses tell him as long they keep him employed and visible. I hope we send this guy back to his prior vocation of running interference for Big Tech.

  • April October 26, 2023 (12:00 pm)

    Saka for change!!

  • wetone October 26, 2023 (12:32 pm)

    I’m voting for candidate that sends me the least amount of  junk mail……….. that easily puts  Saka in front as Costa junk has been littering the mail box…….;)

  • Orb October 26, 2023 (1:29 pm)

    Saka and Aragon all the way. The pendulum has gotta swing if we want this city to get better.

  • Admiral-2009 October 26, 2023 (5:39 pm)

    I have respect for people from challenging backgrounds that join the military and use the GI bill to get a College degree!   This opportunity exists for the majority of  healthy adults that are willing to work for it.

  • Quiz October 27, 2023 (10:30 am)

    Saka sounds like a helpful leader that’s actually interested in making progress. It seems that Costa’s plan is to do nothing. 

Sorry, comment time is over.