CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Verdict in North Delridge murder, South Delridge shooting

The man charged with a North Delridge murder and South Delridge shooting in one night last year has been found guilty by a King County Superior Court jury. 44-year-old Jaycee C. Thompson was arrested and charged days after the crimes. In June 2022, he shot and killed 56-year-old Anthony “Gonzo” Gonzalez, described as a “friend,” at an encampment at 26th/Juneau, hours after shooting and wounding a 35-year-old man at 16th/Barton. Charging documents said Thompson shot Mr. Gonzalez dead after forcing a man, at gunpoint, to take him to the structure in which the victim lived, where he reportedly first said something like “Where’s the money and drugs?” before opening fire. Thompson, a convicted felon, had been released from jail one week before the shootings, over prosecutors’ objections, as explained in our original story on his arrest. The jury in this case found him guilty of first-degree murder, first-degree attempted murder, first-degree attempted robbery, and first-degree kidnapping, as well as “special verdicts” that he committed crimes while armed with a gun. He is scheduled to be sentenced on October 26th; we’re awaiting information from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office on the potential sentencing range.

3 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Verdict in North Delridge murder, South Delridge shooting"

  • 1994 October 13, 2023 (9:15 pm)

    Did he meet his 3 strikes? Hope he is kept in prison for a long time. 

  • Jim P. October 14, 2023 (1:56 pm)

    Anything less than the rest of his life seems absurd.Those who released him, assuming his sentence was not complete, need to be identified and held responsible as well.Too much of this goes on in a vacuum and bureaucrats make decisions that have consequences but never are brought to task for failure.

    • WSB October 14, 2023 (2:22 pm)

      As one of the linked file stories says, he was being held for auto theft, not a conviction, just an arrest. He was eventually charged in that case and has not yet been tried.

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