CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Teenage purse-snatch suspects charged. And it’s not the first case against them

Last Friday we reported on two purse-snatch robberies, and police tracking two suspects to Westwood Village. At the time, we only confirmed one arrest, but today we learned from police that both suspects were taken into custody. They are both still in custody, according to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which filed felony charges against both of them today in connection with one of the robberies.

Both are 15 years old, according to the charging documents. They are charged as juveniles so we are not publishing their names; we’ll call them Suspect #1 and Suspect #2. Suspect #1 is charged with second-degree robbery and second-degree identity theft; Suspect #2 is charged with second-degree unlawful gun possession and second-degree identity theft.

Here’s what the court documents say happened: Both were in a car – driven by an as-yet-unknown third person – that pulled up while the victim was walking near 45th SW and SW Stevens. Suspect #1 got out and ran up on the victim from behind, pushing her down and pulling her purse off her while she screamed. He got back in a car described as a blue Kia or Hyundai, which sped away. Police tracked two of the suspects to Westwood Village, where they had just used one of the victim’s stolen credit cards to buy a Sony PlayStation. Photos in the court documents show them inside the store, still in the pulled-up dark hoodies seen at the time of the robbery:

Outside the store, they became aware of police’s arrival, and separated. Suspect #1 went into Target, where police caught up with him and ordered him outside. Still outside, Suspect #2 dropped the PlayStation and ran, but police caught up with him too. He told them repeatedly, “It’s in my pocket,” which is where they found a 9mm gun with a “loaded magazine in its magazine well.”

As we reported Friday, it was determined to have been stolen in Federal Way. Two of the victim’s credit cards were found on the ground outside the store.

Both suspects are scheduled for arraignment tomorrow. Checking court records, we learned both were charged in other cases earlier this year. The court files are extensive so we didn’t download everything but here’s what we’ve learned by reading 15 documents from four of the cases:

*Both suspects are local – Suspect #2 lives in West Seattle, Suspect #1 in White Center.

*Suspect #1 was charged last February with carjacking a man in Burien almost a year earlier. Then this past April, he was charged with possession of a stolen vehicle, a Kia taken from Kent. In August he was sentenced to a month of electronic home monitoring. After 8 days he cut the bracelet. He was arrested again September 12th and held for 22 days until being released three weeks ago when it was determined he had fulfilled his sentence.

*The September 12th arrest also involved Suspect #2. They were found with a stolen Kia at Bellevue Square. The car was found to contain items belonging to a woman robbed at gunpoint earlier in the day in Tukwila. Suspect #2 was charged in the stolen-car case, and has another hearing next month.

*Suspect #2 also was charged with assault in March of last year for an incident at Westwood Village in which he hit and kicked and seriously hurt a schoolmate. This case was resolved with a deferred disposition, where if a juvenile stays out of trouble for a certain amount of time, the case is closed and cleared from the record.

We will continue following this case.

ADDED THURSDAY: Both pleaded not guilty at arraignment hearings today. Suspect #1 remains in detention at the Youth Services Center, deemed a “threat to community safety.” While Suspect #2 was also described that way in court documents, he is on electronic home monitoring.

125 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Teenage purse-snatch suspects charged. And it's not the first case against them"

  • Marty October 25, 2023 (11:46 pm)

    Protect the public and keep them in detention! Too many violent crime to allow them another chance. Enough!

    • Derek October 26, 2023 (12:28 am)

      So you want them in jail forever? I don’t get this. Wrong doesn’t fix a wrong.

      • Neighbor October 26, 2023 (4:48 am)

        Nobody said jail forever. To allow a carjacker off on months home monitoring, regardless of age is wreckless endangerment to society.

        • JM October 26, 2023 (12:36 pm)

          Especially when that was his second stolen vehicle incident. Then arrested again on Sept 12th in stolen vehicle incident, and now this one in October. He waited 16 days to commit his FOURTH armed, stolen vehicle crime! Wrong doesn’t fix wrong, but neither does not addressing the fact that this kid is damaged and an increasingly frequent danger to his neighbors.

      • Spooled October 26, 2023 (5:05 am)

        They’re not interested in changing their lives.  Punish the parent(s) too for utterly failing to instill values into their offspring.  The rest of society is tired of suffering because some people weren’t ready to be parents and some youth think the world is just Grand Theft Auto with better graphics.

      • Steve October 26, 2023 (5:40 am)

        Two negatives equal positive in this case.

      • Jeepney October 26, 2023 (5:56 am)

        Hi Derek,what is your solution for rehabilitation for youths who commit crimes against women?

      • Derp October 26, 2023 (6:00 am)

        Yes Derek,  we want them in jail for a long time.  Too bad you don’t understand that these guys need to go and stay for a while.  Too bad their parents are no where to be seen. Maybe charge them too.So Derek,  what is your plan for these two ? Home detention? Doesn’t work. Let them out,  oh they won’t so it again,  they are young and will change.  Lock these two up and thank you SPD

      • ACG October 26, 2023 (6:09 am)

        Public deserves to be safe. They are robbing people with a deadly weapon. The bracelet monitoring (subject #1) and the deferred disposition (subject #2), both more lenient options, did nothing to prevent them from harming others AGAIN. 

      • Jeff October 26, 2023 (6:26 am)

        As with many social ills, give people a choice between a plan that serves nobody and a plan that serves them and they will eventually choose the latter.       Another good lesson here for kids: if you are being bullied, you have carte blanche to absolutely beat the hell out of your tormentors as long as you promise not to do it again.   Use a bat if you need to!   Just no guns (well, don’t fire the gun anyway), and don’t actually kill them, and you are free to go!

      • AN October 26, 2023 (7:33 am)

        @Derek, you constantly post these kinds of non-productive comments. Tell us, what is your solution?

      • Insertname October 26, 2023 (8:13 am)

        Some people can’t be fixed. Their rap sheets read like someone twice their age. It’s only a matter of time before they graduate to something more serious. Hopefully you don’t cross paths with them. 

      • Tom October 26, 2023 (8:51 am)

        Derek you are creating a false dichotomy, the only two options are not jail them forever or just give them another hand slap that has clearly not been effective.Because of these criminals clearly and repeatedly are committing violent and potentially deadly crimes, the sentencing should be increased before someone is hurt or killed.If someone you cared about was hurt or killed in a robbery gone wrong by one of these thugs after another hand slap, I am sure you would be extremely upset.

        • Derek October 26, 2023 (11:14 am)

          There is NO false dichotomy. I do not support putting children in cages because of society and parents failing them. That should never be a fallback. Jail has not deterred crimes in 100 years. Why would it magically work now? There’s this hawkish attitude post Ann-Davison Seattle that is just really gross and fascist. 

        • Oh Seattle October 26, 2023 (2:15 pm)

          People who are as thoroughly committed to an ideology as Derek is typically put it before individuals, even those they care about.

      • Alex October 26, 2023 (8:58 am)

        Do you want them to graduate from armed robbery to murders and rape? Showing children that there are no consequences for their actions will lead to this.

      • Sam October 26, 2023 (9:13 am)

        Looks like diversion didn’t work in this case?

      • James Sullivan October 26, 2023 (11:03 am)

        Yes….I do want them in jail…..for a long time.

      • DRW October 26, 2023 (12:37 pm)

        Derek, your Mom was violently thrown to the ground punched in the face and her purse was stolen with your baby picture in it. What would you like to see happen the perpetrator?

        • Jethro Marx October 26, 2023 (1:57 pm)

          I know you’re “just asking questions” but this is dumb.  We don’t let victims or their loved ones judge guilt and pass sentence on the alleged perpetrators of crimes because that is a certain way to miscarry justice.  I’m not concurring with Derek but most of you throw-the-key-away types are not arguing in favor of the rule of law, you’re clamoring for vengeance to make you feel better.  There were significant issues with this flavor of law enforcement in previous eras of human history.

        • Derek October 26, 2023 (3:59 pm)

          Please don’t do hyperbolic concern trolling on something serious as putting kids in cages or violence against women. This isn’t how things are solved.

          • J October 26, 2023 (4:38 pm)

            @derek it’s folks like you that have helped create the lawlessness that’s pervaded our society. No laws apply just go out and rob and steal to get what you want, park your RV anywhere so that you can use it as a base for drug dealing and to fence your stolen goods! Law abiding citizens on ALL sides of the aisles red, blue, neither are sick and tired of these types of punks and criminals running around with zero consequences. You have NO responses other than don’t do anything to the children! These ARE NOT children! They are gun toting criminals. Their crimes are escalating so yes they DO need to be locked up and dealt with in the court of law! Many children come from broken and dysfunctional homes and don’t resort to a life of crime! Screw they need therapy these criminals know what they’re doing and they need to be dealt with swiftly and harshly! No more chances for them to escalate further. 

      • Orb October 26, 2023 (1:21 pm)

        What’s your solution?

      • Cranky October 26, 2023 (1:57 pm)

        Nothing wrong with incarceration for a bit of time. But I guess you view that as ‘depriving them of their rights to keep on the crime spree’

      • oldjavert October 26, 2023 (2:59 pm)

        When minors are arrested and properly tried the sentence must be long enough for them to get caught up on their education or maybe a trade school.  The behavior is their choice.  As most mature youth well know, crime has consequences.  The community is not and should not be subjected to the risks these immature, me-first mindset youth, present to the community.

      • Jenn October 26, 2023 (6:51 pm)

        So you think they should run around free because they are “kids?”  Bet you’d think differently if it happened to you.  Next they will end up killing someone. shame on you. 

      • jail October 26, 2023 (7:39 pm)

        Yes, I do want jail for these teens. I know they are under 18, but they could get heavy rehabilitation in jail as juveniles compared to what is happening in their lives now. They likely come from trauma and neglect or have mental issues to be off-track so badly.

      • 1994 October 26, 2023 (9:21 pm)

        “Suspect #1 was charged last February with carjacking a man in Burien almost a year earlier. Then this past April, he was charged with possession of a stolen vehicle, a Kia taken from Kent. In August he was sentenced to a month of electronic home monitoring. After 8 days he cut the bracelet.”Any suggestions on how to manage these terrorists?  Home electronic monitoring doesn’t work.  Risky behavior can result in shorter lifespan.

  • Rhonda October 26, 2023 (12:04 am)

    A month of home monitoring with a record of armed carjacking and possession of another stolen vehicle?!?!?! No wonder those two were out running amok and terrorizing our peninsula.

  • crocodile October 26, 2023 (12:36 am)

    Hmm,…. Grand Theft Auto & Armed Robbery must not be a serious thing anymore.  When I was a kid these were pretty heavy. 

  • Mr J October 26, 2023 (1:03 am)

    Diversion programs and community involvement are at an all time low. Locking people up isn’t a good long term solution, we spend to much money on prisons and incarceration than actually helping people get on a better track. 

    • Robert October 26, 2023 (3:09 am)

      Locking people up is an excellent short term solution.  And when they offend again, do another of those short term solutions.  

    • Spooled October 26, 2023 (5:10 am)

      They’re not interested in changing their track.  Whatever parents they have clearly aren’t interested either.  A hug-a-thug diversion program and home detention probably won’t make a difference.  I’d love to see a judge hand them the option of 4 years prison or 4 years Army where they’ll forcibly receive the discipline they so clearly need.  When they come out they might have a job skill, some benefits, and they’ll sure have been exposed to a structured no-nonsense environment intolerant of their current behaviors.  Or, they could be released again next month and rob your house, I dunno.

      • OJ October 26, 2023 (9:44 am)

        Well said! If I could like this comment a million times over, I would. This is a balanced and forward-thinking solution.

      • Orb October 26, 2023 (1:24 pm)

        I agree. Military would be good for these kind of offenders. 

        • Ex-Westwood Resident October 26, 2023 (2:52 pm)

          As a Veteran, NO!!!

          The military is NOT some social experiment where you can send criminals to be re-habilitated.

          They belong in PRISON, not “jail,” there IS a difference. 

          • Justin October 26, 2023 (5:34 pm)

            As a former teenage a–hole like these idiots are, I completely disagree. Basic provides a hardcore approach to correct the complete lack of discipline. Then you get set on a career path and you’re not broke anymore. That’s 100% what works. A behavior correction followed by a path out of poverty. 

        • WSVet October 26, 2023 (5:58 pm)

          The military is for people who stayed out of trouble and want to do good in the world. It is not a rehab for terrible people. Military school on the other hand………

      • 1994 October 26, 2023 (9:28 pm)

        Why would the Army, or other armed services, accept a couple of repeat juvenile offenders? I would think the Army is not so desperate for people. Besides, in the military they could possibly be trained to be even more dangerous…once they get back out of service. 

    • Mel October 26, 2023 (5:19 am)

      Clearly keeping them out of jail isn’t the answer. The rest of society shouldn’t have to pay the price of these low life’s wreaking havoc on our community. 

      • Mr J October 26, 2023 (12:53 pm)

        We pay more to have them in jail than to actually work with them and find a better path. 

        • Justin October 26, 2023 (5:34 pm)

          Like what? Provide examples. 

    • MyThruppence October 26, 2023 (6:08 am)

      Stop being ridiculous. These children need a hard lesson in ‘if you wanna act like a badass adult then we will treat you like a badass adult’. Throw away the key on these imbeciles as they have proven through their own actions that they are not deserving of diversion or expungement from their record. 

    • WS Native October 26, 2023 (7:33 am)

      Yeah, probably better to focus on more important progressive stuff like protesting pickleball courts.

      • HW October 26, 2023 (11:48 am)

        Ha! This was a much needed laugh today!

    • Lauren October 26, 2023 (7:51 am)

      Yes. We’re failing these kids. There’s time to course correct. 

    • Alex October 26, 2023 (9:00 am)

      You said two sentences and uttered two lies. Diversion programs are at the all-time HIGH. For both adults and children. Our prison population is lower than before COVID.And locking up criminals is absolutely a good long-term solution. Showing criminals that there are NO consequences for their actions leads to more crime.

      • Mr J October 26, 2023 (12:56 pm)

        In Washington yes, I was speaking more broadly to the lock them up and throw away the key crowd. Diversion programs are not at an all time high. Not even in Washington. We might spend more than before but looking at the population increase it’s not a proportional amount. We barely provide education these days. They should be punished, but long term jail doesn’t solve anything.

    • CarDriver October 26, 2023 (2:31 pm)

      Mr J. So, you’d like to see all prisons and jails closed and the money spent on “diversion programs” that are guaranteed to make us all safer because criminals will stop being criminals and all turn into upstanding citizens.

  • Morgan October 26, 2023 (1:16 am)

    They’re attacking women in broad daylight while carrying guns, and there’s just electronic monitoring bracelets that can be cut off? Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold…forever jail it’s true doesn’t cure all societal issues, but the public deserves right to be safe, protected.these aren’t sentences for life but what’s the odds this happens again??

    • Lala October 26, 2023 (8:23 am)

      I agree, my mom was a victim of a bag snatch and while jail forever does seem excessive. I would like to not have to worry and track my mom’s whereabouts as she’s a tiny little asian lady. It’s has been stressful, the community deserves safety.

  • Seattlite October 26, 2023 (4:19 am)

    Basically, both are already dangerous career criminals.  Tragic.    If I were the judge, they would be locked up in order to get them off the streets because of their history of reoffending.  Their parents need to be taken into custody for questioning.

  • Chris October 26, 2023 (4:21 am)

    Two are in custody.   Another purse snatcher still out there after incident yesterday near RiteAid.   We need to continue to be aware and careful.  

  • Mike October 26, 2023 (5:37 am)

    Just the firearms violations alone are lengthy federal offenses, each time they occured.  I assume these kids will be back on the street soon though, regardless of how much they terrorize society with impunity. Enough is enough with the lack of enforcement on violent crime at the judicial level.  Judges need to do their job.  They took an oath, they’re failing that and have violated constitutional rights of countless citizens. Here’s the firearms violations details:

    • WSDUDEMAN October 26, 2023 (11:22 am)

      I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again. You want to be serious about gun crimes, then get real serious about severe punishment for using a firearm in such a manner. Mandatory sentences. Carjacking with a gun? Bye bye. Armed robbery? Bye bye. You made a decision, live with it in prison.

  • Abby October 26, 2023 (5:43 am)

    Where are the adults in their lives? Doing the same? Needing help in getting the kids on the right track? Most teenagers don’t just decide to do these things out of no where.  They need something significant to happen to them before they probably decide to change. 

  • Jeepney October 26, 2023 (5:54 am)

    Please keep in mind that our city council pushed to eradicate youth detention facilities:

    • Ex-Westwood Resident October 26, 2023 (2:55 pm)

      Don’t forget to add Dow Constantine and the King County Council to that list. 

  • Joan October 26, 2023 (6:39 am)

    Shame on Target for not being more vigilant. A woman’s credit card, supposedly with a female name on it, and two males using it to buy something? The cashier didn’t ask for ID or check the name against the purchasers? These two are very dangerous and are only becoming older and more dangerous. Do something!!

    • WSB October 26, 2023 (10:57 am)

      It wasn’t Target. One suspect briefly ran in there, with police on his heels. They bought an item with a stolen card at Game Stop.

    • Sue H October 26, 2023 (11:27 am)

      I know WSB already said it wasn’t Target, but I wanted to point out that many stores have self-checkout.  I use them all the time and nobody ever questions whether I am the owner of the card – the charge just goes through. 

      • datamuse October 26, 2023 (12:32 pm)

        In point of fact, I can’t remember the last time I used something other than self-checkout at Target, as every time I’ve been in recently they have only a couple of cashiers who are usually helping people with large orders. And yeah, the only time I’ve had to show ID using self-check is if I’m buying alcohol (or, lately, lighters).

    • Oh Seattle October 26, 2023 (2:25 pm)

      My stepdaughter grew up in another country where it is common to show ID when you use a credit card, and when she worked at Bartell’s she got in trouble for asking customers to show ID when paying by card.  Her manager told her as long as the card wasn’t declined it didn’t matter who it belonged to.

  • D-Mom October 26, 2023 (6:45 am)

    I agree with others. There’s a point when the public deserves protection from these dangerous criminals before they kill someone. The sentences they’ve received do not fit the repeated crimes. 

    • WSwhat? October 26, 2023 (11:27 am)

      This is correct. Detention centers, jails, and prisons aren’t made to rehabilitate criminals. They are made to protect the law abiding citizens safe from the criminals. Rehabilitation is a function that is provided in those facilities while keep the rest of us safe and crime free. 

  • Vitaly October 26, 2023 (7:00 am)

    I’m not sure why these two needed to buy a video game console, they seem to be living a real life version of GTA. These kids sound pretty bad, for sure dangerous, and what’s up with the parents? These groups that are masked up with hoody’s in the Kia’s with no plates seem to always have a gun or two with them. This needs to stop. 

  • Alki resident October 26, 2023 (7:26 am)

    Diversion programs don’t work. That’s why we find our city in the state it is now. There needs to be mandatory jail time for any violent crime, and teenagers committing crimes with guns need to be tried as adults. Enough of them terrorizing our neighborhoods and communities! And let’s face it- these are only the crimes the police are aware they committed, the likelihood that they were caught on their first and second criminal acts is unlikely. They are most likely responsible for much more. 

  • tim October 26, 2023 (7:52 am)

    Sue the parents and put THEM in jail.

    • April October 26, 2023 (4:21 pm)

      @ Tim…I agree with you! 

  • snowskier October 26, 2023 (8:20 am)

    Please, please, please treat these criminals like adults.  Stealing cars for joyrides and shoplifting is one thing but armed carjacking and robbery brings it up to the major leagues.  They’ve already shown they’ll continue with the same old stuff if let out on their own.  10 years in jail isn’t a life sentence but it can give them time to grow up.  Happy that they haven’t killed anyone yet.

    • Zipda October 26, 2023 (1:31 pm)

      Agree. These two are clearly chronically dangerous and will likely continue terrorizing the community with very high risk of killing or being killed. No amount of short term juvenile detention stays or home ankle bracelet monitoring will deter them obviously.The community needs to be protected from these ” young violent career criminals”.

  • ALLEYESONME October 26, 2023 (8:28 am)

    We desperately need mental health and support programs for these juveniles. They very likely have family/home situations that are riddled with trauma and neglect.  This obviously does not excuse the behavior, but diversion programs and home monitoring won’t fix what is broken on the inside.  Coming from someone who has close ties to these issues.

    • JollyRancher October 26, 2023 (12:40 pm)

      Great – let’s give them mental health counseling while they serve 10+years in prison.

      • ALLEYESONME October 27, 2023 (10:34 am)

        Prison time is not always a deterrent.  Sometimes people come out worse.  If prison time actually involved appropriate intervention and education, that might be a solution.

  • HS October 26, 2023 (8:44 am)

    15 years old… It makes me sad to read that. They should have a long and full life, full of experiences and opportunity awaiting them. Maybe we need to start including gang awareness stuff in elementary and middle schools (if not already).

    • FIFTEEN?! October 26, 2023 (1:58 pm)

      HS, I agree…. I mean at 15 you’re a freshmen in high school, right?! I can’t imagine hearing of one of my school mates at this age committing these types of heinous crimes. It’s very, very sad. Unfortunately, some harsher punishment needs to happen because their actions are only going to accelerate if they dont face some repercussions. Also sad thing about that is by being incarcerated, a lot of individuals get out and repeat the same actions. Not always the case, but often enough!

  • wetone October 26, 2023 (8:49 am)

    Derek, would you say the same if they attacked your family members, mom, sister or their actions ended with one’s death  ? It’s proven at this point in time that multiple prior court actions have had zero affect on these two. Lock them up before they kill somebody if they haven’t already…….

  • RT October 26, 2023 (8:51 am)

    It is time for stiffer sentencing for violent and armed juvenile repeat offenders . The track record of these two shows they are not impacted by the minimal  consequences administered so far.   Also wonder why, when they are males, dressed  suspiciously , and  using credit cards that clearly show a female name, vendors are not questioning their identity, retaining the card refusing the sale, and alerting police. If Westwood village has become a  “destination shopping” location for the use of stolen cards, an enhanced , cooperative effort on the part of stores, plaza security, and SPD might help net more of these offenders and get them the intervention they need. 

    • YES2WS October 26, 2023 (9:56 am)

      RT, I agree with part of your post, but can you imagine the outcome had the Playstation clerk acted as you think they should’ve? There was a gun involved leading me to believe it could have resulted in quite a traumatic experience.

    • Socialcontract October 26, 2023 (10:18 am)

      Vendors don’t want to be liable for putting their employees at risk. When I worked in retail shoe sales I watched hundreds of pairs of shoes walk out the door as I was instructed not to confront a thief in any way. You just increase the price of goods across the board to offset the loss.

    • Neighbor October 26, 2023 (11:19 am)

      It’s unreasonable to expect retail workers to put their lives on the line and do the job of detectives.  If your credit card is stolen just call the bank and cancel it.  Any charges made before you can do that will be charged back.  Retail workers only have a responsibility to leep themselves safe.

  • River October 26, 2023 (9:05 am)

    Obviously current deterrents aren’t working.  The community suffers because of soft sentences and poor parenting.  We have rules as a society.  Repeated failure to adhere to these rules earns a person some time away to contemplate life choices and give the community a break from their actions.

  • MoongBean123 October 26, 2023 (9:08 am)

    15 year olds with guns terrorizing what used to be a nice place. Great! Enough with this soft on crime nonsense. They need to fear real punishment or else this will continue.

  • Harvey October 26, 2023 (9:15 am)

    Throw the book at these two. They should spend 5-10 in jail for this at the least. We can’t keep catch and release on scum. 

  • NGUYEN TRAN October 26, 2023 (9:18 am)

    I remember when Seattle was a safer place than most cities of equal size. I do not go to Westwood anymore or Alki. I walk my dogs in Lincoln Park and that area seems ok. I am very careful where I go and constantly pay attention to my surroundings.  

  • Lewis October 26, 2023 (9:23 am)

    Well, it sounds like we can look forward to reading about their next set of crimes in 3-6 months.Meanwhile, the rest of us will be looking over our shoulder every time we leave the house, as well as hoping that one of these neighborhood *terrorists* doesn’t accidently pull the trigger next time they assault and rob one of us.I never felt this unsafe living in *Belltown* for five years. Not even close. Grateful for the police officers that brought these two in.Please vote for public safety. 

    • OJ October 26, 2023 (9:51 am)

      Looking over my shoulder has been the norm since I was a child. I was taught to never leave doors unlocked, always keep personal on you at all times, leave your car empty, have your head on a swivel checking for potential run ups. Always always always stay on guard. I did not grow up in Seattle but it blows my mind that some think crime can’t happen here like it does  elsewhere. Never put anything past anybody. Stay safe.

  • April October 26, 2023 (9:31 am)

    Please don’t let them out. They need to serve some serious time. A few years at least And where are the parents?

  • MW October 26, 2023 (9:35 am)

    Lock them up in juvenile detention now.  By being released over and over to commit more crimes, they get the message:  we are waiting til they KILL.

  • Solve The Problem October 26, 2023 (10:08 am)

    Make no mistake about it, whatever “punishment” the Court decides will be viewed by other would-be criminals as a deterrent or same ‘ole same ‘ole. 

    Jailing 15 year olds for 10 years is not the answer … BUT … there obviously needs to be greater deterrence than what has been tried in the past.  These are not normal teenagers playing on a soccer team or stealing candy from Safeway.  These are kids on a criminal career path that will likely become more violent as they work the system. 

    The punishments need to be much more severe, a deterrent not only to themselves but to any others considering the same crimes. The judges MUST act to stop these crimes!

    • JollyRancher October 26, 2023 (12:45 pm)

      Jailing violent criminals who use guns and force against people with impunity for 10 years is the best answer we have. Regardless of age. These aren’t toddlers. They’re repeat violent offenders. They need to be removed from society.  Now. 

  • Shebarue October 26, 2023 (10:33 am)

    The question I have is: what is the path forward? What do we need to do as concerned citizens to get changes made to the sentencing laws? Are there advocacy groups already working on this issue? I would much rather join a group that is already working on this, but at this point I am about ready to start something  if there isn’t. If enough of us were willing to commit time and energy, we could change things, even if it is a long and demanding road to walk. Anyone out there know of any groups working on stricter sentencing laws? I feel like current laws and guidelines don’t give enough weight to the patterns of behavior that are predictive of future criminality. I’m fed up – we are all fed up. But I know we could make a difference together and I’m willing to contribute my share of work to do so, for the sake of everyone’s future.

    • Robert October 26, 2023 (12:06 pm)

      We are in the middle of voting for Council. If we want a different result that’s one place to begin. The mayor needs more pragmatic progressives and fewer utopian progressives on Council. 

  • Kravitz October 26, 2023 (10:37 am)

    In reading the histories of these two, “the court files are extensive,” they’re currently 15 years old but have been wreaking havoc within the community since they were 13 or 14, given the portions that were published in the story by WSB. This is ridiculous. These two pose a danger to themselves and others, and  need to start learning the hard way that their behavior has serious consequences. It’s very likely they’ll be out again soon, and maybe the next time they play games with guns and robberies, they’ll target the wrong person who shoots in self-defense. I never imagined that  I would think this way about kids and teenagers, but yeah, it’s come to this. I would never expect to be terrorized by young people a fraction of my age, but as a past victim of a violent strong armed robbery, I am now always very aware of my surroundings and prepared to protect myself by any means necessary. If their parents are reading any of this, now is the time to start giving a $h*t about your kids and start parenting before the inevitable happens.

  • work October 26, 2023 (10:58 am)

    Lock them up and put them to work like cleaning garbage and cleaning the graffiti and rake the leaves.

  • Facts Matter October 26, 2023 (12:24 pm)

    So these kids were 13 or 14 years old at first offense. Maybe younger, since WSB hasnt gone through all documents and there could be earlier offenses? First thought goes to the parents who are responsible for juveniles. What are they doing that allows these thugs to be engaged in multiple offenses over a short period of time? Which leads to Child Protective Services (CPS). Where are they? Clearly the kids are living in danger (and further are a danger to society) not supervised by a responsible adult. Has CPS been assigned to these kids? Were they doing any physical check ins? If parents are unable to take responsibility for their offspring then the kids need to be removed. 

  • Juanita October 26, 2023 (12:25 pm)

    On Wed 10/11 I was walking down 34th street towards The Birdhouse when a blue Kia came speeding down the street.  I was on the drivers side of the street at the time preparing to cross and I saw the driver – totally in black, black mask that covered most of his head though his face was exposed.  He continued fast down to the roundabout.  There he paused halfway around then continued and turned onto Henderson towards 35th, the same direction I was going.  Didn’t dwell on it until I saw the car parked at a pump at the gas station, not getting gas, no plates, no driver…blue Kia 4 door hatchback.  I quickly took a pic of the car in case the guys at the gas station were getting robbed.  To my surprise the driver comes out, hes a kid or a very young adult.  I can now see the store clerk thru the glass, he doesn’t seem distressed, so as I pass the driver I say “Hey Man, where’s your plates? You know you’re not supposed to be driving without plates right?”  He says back to me “I only drive the car”  Whatever that’s supposed to mean.  I get some more pics of the car as it pulls off, none of him cause I had no idea if he had a weapon or not.  I go into the store to check on the clerk.  He told me that the driver tried to buy a can of I think Arizona tea but only had 2bucks and didn’t have the money for the tax.  I called 911 to report what I saw, the interaction the driver had at the gas station (as they have cameras) and what direction the car took off on 35th.  These kids and young adults have zero consequences for their actions.  I don’t know if conscription as opposed to either jail or bs home detention is a thing, but it should be.  Is some of this the parent’s fault, sure, but a parent can do everything right and still end up with a crappy kid.  If they want to do adult things, they need to be treated as adults with adult consequences.

    • Lauren October 26, 2023 (2:52 pm)

      …. So a kid was driving without plates and didn’t have enough money to buy an iced tea. And you called the cops?

      • CarDriver October 26, 2023 (5:08 pm)

        Lauren. Why don’t you think this was the right thing to do???

      • GBH October 26, 2023 (5:43 pm)

         if you see a Kia or Hyundai with no plates, it is a stolen car. Please call 911. If it is driving erratically (speeding, weaving in traffic, running lights) it is important to mention this, as it may accelerate the response time. Thank you. These stolen cars belong to your neighbors. Despite putting on steering wheel locks and alarms, they get stolen from your neighbors anyway. They are quickly then used to commit a crime (sometimes a violent crime) then dumped, often damaged beyond repair.  

      • Juanita October 26, 2023 (8:02 pm)

        No Lauren, the no plates, no temp plates, speeding down a residential block with a mask covering the majority of his face, the “I just drive the car” answer and the speeding out of the gas station on to busy traffic on 35th street is what prompted me to call it in.  So many of these Kias are being stolen to commit crimes then trashed.  The Department of Licensing requires plates.   I only mentioned the iced tea because of his interaction with the store clerk and the fact the gas station has cameras in case there needed to be follow up.  Not having money is not at all the reason I called the cops.

      • Byron James October 27, 2023 (5:03 am)

        Most people wouldn’t steal some non-necessity, like an iced tea, from a convenience store. 

  • Cranky October 26, 2023 (1:53 pm)

     After 8 days he cut the bracelet off… Great.. just great

  • Kelly Johnson October 26, 2023 (2:36 pm)

    I would like to chime in and remind those that believe violent criminals like these should be met with adequate consequences, PLEASE do not vote for Teresa Mosqueda for King County Council. She was one of the biggest defund-the-police proponents on the City Council, and does not believe in jailing criminals for violent crimes. Sofia Aragon is a much better option, and while she may not be perfect, will work to put criminals away and hire more police offices to help protect our community. Taken from The Times, Like her (Mosqueda’s) advocacy for defunding the police, her vote against a Democratic-led plan to address open-air use of drugs demonstrates a level of shortsightedness and disturbing disregard for public safety that is not needed in any government.”

    • 1994 October 26, 2023 (9:50 pm)

      Nosqueda = do not vote Mosqueda.  Thank you Kelly for your post.

  • N Admiral October 26, 2023 (4:06 pm)

    I propose 10-15 years in jail as they add no value to society

  • GBH October 26, 2023 (4:35 pm)

    my jaw is on the floor reading this and realizing they were knowingly set free on our streets to continue terrorizing people with guns. this rap sheet is long, so they know the consequences. charge them as adults and lock them up. 

    • wscommuter October 26, 2023 (5:23 pm)

      I’m all for more severe consequences for these two knuckleheads – but focus your frustration on the legislature, where punishments are set by statute – there is a juvenile equivalent of the Sentence Reform Act which proscribes punishment ranges that judges are constrained by.  Likewise, as WSB notes above, the particular crimes these two are accused of committing do not fall in the statutory realm to be charged as adults.  I’d hope folks would educate themselves on the juvenile justice system to understand what is legally possible and what is not.  From there, you can talk to your state reps about how you feel about that.  

  • Admiral-2009 October 26, 2023 (5:22 pm)

    Derek please provide us your proposed option if not jail, what?

    • Chris October 26, 2023 (8:11 pm)

      How about showing them the respect we want them to give to others. Let’s talk and ask them what they need. who are young leaders that can facilitate these conversations not just with these kids but for all the kids in this neighborhood? Who are the adults from this hood that have earned the respect by these kids, and who are committed to seeing them thrive in love and care for each other? Or wait—–did gentrification push those adults out? Why do people recommend prisons when not only has it proven itself to not work for 200 years and instead been shown to devour Black and Brown people. 

  • WSB October 26, 2023 (7:23 pm)

    Short update added above.

    • Eric1 October 26, 2023 (10:49 pm)

      LOL on the suspect #2 update.  Releasing him to home detention is totally stupid as isn’t that where all these problems likely started?  This is almost as bad as when CPS returns children to known abusive parents and CPS seems genuinely surprised when children die.  Too bad the justice system hasn’t seen fit to hold governments liable for the future havoc suspect #2 causes between now and his trial.

  • WS NEEDS CHANGE October 26, 2023 (9:23 pm)

    REJECT MAREN COSTA if this crime bothers you.  Seriously.  She is Lisa Herbold’s heir, and this is what we have as a result. Please vote.And, Derek, seriously?  I am not a big poster, but this is a complicated, multi-factorial problem, and it needs a thoughtful answer.   These kids need more than just being let loose, and their actions have a dramatic negative impact on our community, not just on their victims.

  • Leon Jackson October 27, 2023 (5:00 am)

    Its a shame we can’t use them and other criminals to do some forced labor to better our surroundings. Our state parks, even our city parks are in severe neglect and could use some work. Work camps. Work through their issues. Don’t see a bright future for these two.  A couple more years and they will be in the big house. Hope no one is hurt on their way. 

  • Littlebrowndog October 27, 2023 (5:50 am)

    I’m not understanding why anybody has a problem with BOTH some long jail time AND all the mental health and trauma treatment and education and employment programs taking place throughout the jail time would be a problem. This isn’t their first, second, third offense so diversion and addressing their underlying issues while still free in the community doesn’t work. They have shown they have absolutely no qualms about swiftly circumventing slaps on the wrist and returning to dangerous behaviors. Given the short intervals between incidents what possible mental health and trauma treatment and addressing root causes can be 100% effective in just a few months while still free in the community? I truly seriously would like to know those interventions as my experience has been that such issues are so serious that lengthy treatment is required and relapse in the initial months is common.

  • Lp October 27, 2023 (8:04 pm)

    There’s not much that surprises me these days when I read about local crime, but like GBH said above.. when I saw the ages of these offenders, my jaw dropped. I am shocked. It only got worse as I read the rest of the article. 

  • ConcernedInAdmiral October 27, 2023 (8:51 pm)

    -Suspect #2 …ran, but police caught up with him …they found a 9mm gun with a “loaded magazine in its magazine well.”-Suspect #2 also was charged with assault in March of last year for an incident at Westwood Village in which he hit and kicked and seriously hurt a schoolmate.-SUSPECT #2 was also described that way (“threat to community safety”) in court documents, HE IS ON ELECTRONIC HOME MONITORING  -#2 LIVES IS WEST SEATTLE 

  • Jerry October 28, 2023 (1:50 pm)

    Wow. As an educator I have seen the increase in anti-social/criminal behavior amongst our youth. I must say: Poor Parenting is the common denominator, not “societal woes,” or perceived grievances… we need way more police, CPS workers, and foster parents. More Jail Space too

  • Popcornvampire October 30, 2023 (4:40 am)

    So they aren’t criminals until they are 18 lol they can’t even buy smokes or beer yet. They have no accountability as people or true identity. No name just a number. Make them do community service and learn how not to steal and rob from people. The parents need to do more and take responsibility of their 16yr old baby’s 

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