West Seattle, Washington
16 Sunday
The King County Medical Examiner’s Office has yet to release the name of the man shot and killed on a Metro bus at 15th/Roxbury on Tuesday. But there was a quick update at tonight’s meeting of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council, the community coalition for White Center and vicinity. Major Mark Konoske from the King County Sheriff’s Office Southwest Precinct – which serves White Center and Burien, among other areas – said he couldn’t be specific, but “There was a variety of evidence available that we’re following up on … I’m optimistic we’ll end up catching some people … there are leads we’re following up on.” The shooting happened just after 5 pm Tuesday (here’s our original report) and the victim, reported to have been shot at least twice, was declared dead at the scene. Meantime, Metro general manager Michelle Allison said online that “we have added a security presence on the H Line Wednesday and will maintain that presence into the foreseeable future,” adding that “as part of the approved budget, Metro continues to hire and expand the number of transit security officers (TSOs) that patrol our buses and transit centers.”
Almost 15 months after Seattle Public Utilities started work on the Alki Pump Station 38 overhaul, the work is concluding, according to an announcement this afternoon. That includes the art shown in the photo, which extends to a new screened guardrail at the site, by artist Sarah Thompson Moore, inspired by Alki’s topographical features and history. A few details remain, per the city announcement:
As contractor crews transition off the project, they have a few final items to finish within the pump station itself over the next week. Otherwise, the roadway has been paved, the landscaping is currently in its establishment period, and the decorative utility cabinet wrap has been installed.
We recently put in new plants and grass seed around the pump station. To deter people and pets from walking in the areas so the grass can establish properly, the caution tape and stakes will remain up through December.
When the work started almost 15 months ago, SPU said it was expected to last about nine months. Most of the overhaul work was intended to upgrade the station infrastructure to deal with what SPU described as “a significant increase in flows.”
The volunteer, advisory Southwest Design Review Board, which only meets if and when there’s a project to consider (very rare these days), now has two meetings on its schedule for the rest of the year:
5252 CALIFORNIA: We already told you, last month, that October 19th is set for the board’s next meeting about the Aegis Living project to replace vacant, much-vandalized buildings on the northeast corner of California/Brandon – 5 stories, 100+ units, 42 offstreet-parking spaces. Now the draft design packet for the meeting is available, with plenty of project details – see it here. For info on how to participate in the 5 pm October 19th online meeting and/or comment, go here. (Our report on the project’s first Design Review meeting, last February, is here.)
7617 35TH: While checking on the SW Design Review Board’s schedule, we noticed a date tentatively set for the next meeting about the mixed-use project proposed for the west side of 35th/Holden/Ida – 5 pm Thursday, December 7th, also online. This project is currently proposed as six stories, 134 units, 50 offstreet parking spaces. Watch this page for scheduling updates (and of course we will too). This is a second try at the Early Design Guidance phase of review, after the board rejected the project team’s first proposal in February (WSB coverage here).
Catching up on reader reports:
[Tuesday] night between 5:30 pm and 9:45 pm, several cars including my own were keyed while parked on 34th Avenue SW between SW Barton St and SW Cambridge St. No leads, but a police report has been made.
APPARENTLY ABANDONED KIAS: Kyle reports, “Two Kias dumped on 12th between Holden/Austin overnight [Tuesday/Wednesday]. Both reported.”
Back in August, we reported that a permit filing for a commercial space at Maris (4722 Fauntleroy Way SW) showed that All the Best Pet Care plans to return to West Seattle, 14 years after it closed on Alki. The company didn’t answer our inquiry back in August but has finally sent us an update, saying things are finalized now that they have their permits. All the Best says this will be the local mini-chain’s 17th store, and that they’re hoping to open “in early 2024.” The reply adds a bit of background on the company: “Susan and Ira Moss opened the first store in 1985, and we remain locally owned and family-led.” This will be West Seattle’s eighth pet-focused retail shop, by our count (after Pet Elements, Addy’s, Next-to-Nature, Mud Bay, Pet Pros, Petco, Pet Supplies Plus).
(Ferry in the fog at sunrise today, photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
Here are highlights of what’s happening today/tonight, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you’ll see even more):
LITTLE JAYE’S OPENING DAY: The new South Park bakery and coffee shop by the team from Lady Jaye in The Junction is celebrating its opening day, until 3 pm. (309 S. Cloverdale)
UNDERSTANDING MEDICARE: 11 am presentation at Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon).
WEST SEATTLE UKULELE PLAYERS: All levels welcome to this weekly 1 pm gathering. Email westseattleukuleleplayerswsup@gmail.com to find out where they’re playing today.
THURSDAY FOOD-TRUCK POP-UP: 4-8 pm at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW), Pecos Pit will be visiting.
HIGHLAND PARK RUN CLUB: Also at HP Corner Store, meet up at 6:30 pm for a 3-mile run!
WEST SEATTLE REALTY OPEN HOUSE: Stop by 2715 California SW in Admiral – here’s the announcement from West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor):
Please come by tonight (Thursday, October 5th) from 5:00-9:00 pm if your schedule allows! We’ll have some light snacks, a nice selection of beverages, and be ready to talk about this crazy real=estate market. And it’s also a great excuse to celebrate our wonderful community. We’d love to see you!
WESTIES RUN CLUB: New location! Meet at Future Primitive Beer Bar (2536 Alki SW) at 6:30 pm for a 3-mile run – more in our calendar listing.
HARBOR-ALKI CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES TOWN HALL: See and hear Rob Saka and Maren Costa at 7 pm tonight at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill). Here’s a video preview from Mark Jaroslaw, who will be recording the event:
Here’s our most recent written preview.
COUNTY COUNCIL CANDIDATES: Sofia Aragon and Teresa Mosqueda will field questions at tonight’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council (White Center and vicinity) meeting, online, 7 pm. Here’s how to participate/watch.
WEST SEATTLE SILENT BOOK CLUB: 7-9 pm, 11 venues in West Seattle/White Center are participating this month! See the list in our calendar listing.
BLUES NIGHT: 7 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), every Thursday you can listen to the blues.
THURSDAY NIGHT CORNHOLE: Go play at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW), 7 pm.
THURSDAY THROWDOWN: All-vinyl DJ night at Revelry Room (4547 California SW, alley entrance), 8-11 pm.
OVERNIGHT WATER OUTAGE: As we’ve been previewing, tonight is the night a seven-hour water outage is scheduled, 9 pm-4 am, for 650 Seattle Public Utilities customers in Morgan Junction, Gatewood, and Fauntleroy, for the installation of three new valves. The work will be happening at California/Frontenac.
We publish these daily lists as reminders, but you can look ahead any time, to any day, by visiting our calendar!
This year, The Admiral District not only is presenting business-district trick-or-treating on the Friday before Halloween as usual, it has a slate of adult events too. Here’s the announcement we received this morning:
In addition to the usual fun for the kids, the event has been expanded as a celebration for both kids and adults. We are excited to announce the first annual Admiral Junction Halloween Weekend! Trick or treating on Friday and an evening of adult events on Saturday. Check out the schedule of events below.
The Admiral Junction Halloween weekend is 100% volunteer supported by the businesses operating near the intersection of Admiral and California Ave SW. Each year, local businesses give back to the community by providing a safe place for families to enjoy the holiday. Find your favorite costume, grab the kids, and come out on Friday October 27th to join in on this popular West Seattle event! Then get out again on Saturday October 28th for more fun!
If you are interested in finding out whether a specific business in your area will be participating, stop by in advance, or give them a call. This event is well attended and most Admiral area store fronts take part in the fun. On the day of the event, simply look for the attached sign in business windows, and stroll through the Admiral District with family and friends.
Trick or Treating will happen between 3 pm and 6 pm on 10/27/2023 in the Admiral District. Look for the sign placed in store fronts to identify participating merchants.
FRIDAY 10.27
4pm Nook
5pm Admiral Pub
6pm Arthur’s
7pm Mission & West Wings
8pm Good Society
9pm Otter on the Rocks
10 pm Benbow
6:03 AM: Good morning! It’s Thursday, October 5th.
Patchy morning fog, then sunny, high in the mid-60s. Sunrise today is at 7:13 am; sunset, 6:40 pm.
(Wednesday night sunset, photographed by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
SDOT announced Wednesday that it’s doing daily “preventive maintenance” on the high bridge through Tuesday (October 10th), with lane closures – one each way, westbound 6 am-3 pm, eastbound 9 am-3 pm
We’re reminding you daily that the West Seattle low bridge will be closed to surface traffic (motorized vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians) this Saturday (October 7) through Saturday, October 14, as SDOT announced last week. The closure will start at 12:01 am Saturday, SDOT tells us.
Metro – Regular schedule; check advisories here.
Water Taxi – Regular schedule.
Washington State Ferries – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route. Check alerts for changes, and use Vessel Watch to see where your ferry is.
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Henderson), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Orchard, and Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
Low-bridge cam:
1st Ave. S. Bridge – alternate route across the river:
Highway 99: – northbound side at Lander:
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on Twitter/X shows whether the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.
If you see trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/bay, please text or call us (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities). Thank you!