Questions about senior-living options? Panel discussion August 17th at Village Green West Seattle

If you or someone in your family is considering senior-living options, you have the opportunity later this month to get answers about multiple types, during one panel discussion. Village Green West Seattle (2615 SW Barton; WSB sponsor) is hosting at 5 pm Thursday, August 17th – here’s the announcement and RSVP request:

So this is senior living? A night of great information and clarification – learn about all types of senior living local to our area. We will have a great panel with community partners from Quail Park Memory Care of West Seattle, ComeForCare home care, Avamere at Park West, and of course Village Green West Seattle. Please RSVP to event at 206-937-6122.

You can see the event flyer here.

5 Replies to "Questions about senior-living options? Panel discussion August 17th at Village Green West Seattle"

  • Link August 2, 2023 (11:58 am)

    Want to forward but cannot open the link. 

    • WSB August 2, 2023 (12:47 pm)

      Hi, which link? Mobile (which has multiple-platform sharing links) or desktop (which has the Share This link)?

  • anonyme August 3, 2023 (5:53 am)

    Here’s a question: what happens to seniors who have no family and are not wealthy enough to afford one of these facilities?

    • Oh Seattle August 4, 2023 (8:33 am)

      I asked this question when I was preparing to get my elderly, disabled father on Medicaid and it’s pretty bleak. You would basically become a ward of the state and they place you in a facility or adult group home that will take you on Medicaid.

  • Alki resident August 3, 2023 (9:56 am)

    Quick PSA – King County has a great senior exemption for property tax. I helped my grandmother with it and got her ~10k refunded and her property tax is frozen at about $5k lower than it has been ($2k instead of $7k). Sharing this here because it seems like folks here would know some elderly folks in the area!

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