That video is about the current voyage of Hōkūleʻa, a 49-year-old replica of an ancient Polynesian voyaging canoe that’s been traveling the world for decades and is due to arrive in Seattle on Saturday. If you’re looking out at Elliott Bay on Saturday morning, you might see it on the way in, so we’re publishing this heads-up. From the announcement:
Seattle’s Tribal Nations, Native Hawaiian residents, city officials and community members are planning a special welcome for Hōkūleʻa and her crew as the Polynesian voyaging canoe sails from Suquamish and enters Elliott Bay at approximately 8:00 am on Saturday, August 26. Tribal Nations protocol will open the way for a flotilla of outrigger paddling canoes, the City’s fire boat, and other vessels that are planning to give Hōkūleʻa a water welcome before escorting the canoe toward the Seattle Waterfront.
If you go downtown, you’ll have the chance to tour Hōkūleʻa between 1 and 4:30 pm on Saturday. It’s the first day of a four-day visit; the voyaging canoe is scheduled to move to Bell Harbor Marina (2203 Alaskan Way) for 1-3 pm tour opportunities Sunday and Monday – will have updates. On Wednesday (August 30th), Hōkūleʻa and crew will head past West Seattle again, including the west-facing shores, journeying to Tacoma for a noon arrival there. Their current voyage is described as a “four-year circumnavigation of the Pacific” that started up in Juneau on June 15. They expect to “cover an estimated 43,000 nautical miles around the Pacific, visiting 36 countries and archipelagoes, nearly 100 indigenous territories, and more than 300 ports … to ignite a movement of 10 million ‘planetary navigators’ by developing young leaders and engaging communities around the world to take part in navigating earth toward a healthy, thriving future.”