Learn to cheer! Chief Sealth IHS Cheer Team leading 3-day after-school mini-camp for kids

(WSB photo: Chief Sealth cheerleaders in July’s West Seattle Grand Parade)

The start of school doesn’t mean the end of summer. For three days next month, the Chief Sealth IHS Cheer Team is leading a summer after-school mini-camp for kids K-8 as a fundraiser. The mini-camp is happening 4-8 pm September 13-15 at CSIHS (2600 SW Thistle). On the final day, students will show their new skills during a Sealth game at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex across the street. The deadline for signups has just been extended to next Monday (August 28th); this flyer has more info. When you’re ready to register your student(s), use this form!

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